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Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO-09-03-2016

Bankers Guru
Reasoning Ability Test For LIC AAO-09-03-2016
Q.1. Saikat, an accomplished cook who is well known for his exquisite vegetarian Manchurian, opened a restaurant one year ago and is surprised that business has been so slow. A consultant that he hired to conduct market/research has reported that the local population does not think of his restaurant as one theywould visit on a daily basis but rather a place they’d visit if they were celebrating a special occasion. Which of the following strategies should Saikat employ to increase his daily business?

1) Making coupons available that entitles thecoupon holder to receive a 25% discount on all types of food.

2) Exhibiting at the next Big-basket Expo and having plate of one of hisVeg. Manchurian available for tasting.

3) Moving the restaurant to the other side of town

4) Placing a series of ads in the local newspaper that advertise the wide array of Veg. Manchurian offered at his shop.

Q.2. Ritesh has invited his three friends to watch the World Cup T20 on his wide-screen television. They are all hungry. Just as they are arguing about who should make the food, a commercial comes on television for a local pizzeria that delivers pizza. The phone number flashes on the screen briefly and they all try to remember it. By the time, Ritesh grabs a pen and a paper, each of them recollects a different number. Which of the numbers is most likely the telephone number of the pizzeria?

1) 800-8111 2) 800-8531 3) 800-8112 4) 800-0111

Q.3-4. Giving children project in grade school are a waste of money and teacher’s time. These children are too young to make project and need to spend time on learning the basics, like Mathematics, Science and English. After all,a baby has to crawl before she/he can walk.

3. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the speaker’s argument?

1) Studies showing projects are expensive.

2) Research on the effect of project on children.

3) Examples of high school students who make project improperly.

4) Evidence that makes project learning difficult.

5) Proof that the cost of project making is coming down.

4. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker’s argument?

1) Examples of adults who do not know how to make project.

2) Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of project versus books.

3) A demonstration that project can be used to teach Mathematics, Science and English.

4) A visit to a classroom where children are making project.

5) Recent grade reports of students in the project.

Q.5.According to last month’s newspaper, barbers in large cities make more money than barbers in small towns or rural areas. It does not seem fair that just because a barber’sshop is in a fancy building or having good interior, he or she can charge the customers more. All the barbers should charge the same. Whether a customer goes to a barber in a big city or small town, the cost should be the same. A major flaw in the argument is that the speaker assumes that:-

1) All barbers are specialists.

2) All customers carry health insurance.

3) All barbers have huge loans.

4) All barbers take too much time.

5) All barbers cut the hair of equal number of customers.

Q.6-10- In each question given below are four statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume the given three statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows.

Give answer (1), If Only conclusion I follows.

Give answer (2), If Only conclusion II follows.

Give answer (3), If conclusion I and II both follow.

Give answer (4), If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

Give answer (5), If Either conclusion I or II follows.

Q.6. Statements-

100% bottles are water. Maximum water is blue.

None blue is earth. Minimum earth is star.

Conclusions- I. At least some stars are not water. 

II. Few stars are not blue is a possibility.

Q.7. Statements-

All Hero is Honda. Only Honda is TVS.

56% TVS is Bajaj Some Bajaj is Vespa.

Conclusions-I. 58% TVS can be Bajaj.

II. Some Honda can never be Vespa

Q.8. Statement-

100% bottles are water. Maximum water is blue.

None blue is earth. Minimum earth is star.

Conclusions-- I. Very few bottles may be stars

II. 23% of stars are not blue.

Q.9. Statements-

All Hero is Honda. Only Honda is TVS.

56% TVS is Bajaj Some Bajaj is Vespa.

Conclusions- I. 24% TVS is Bajaj.

II. None TVS is Vespa.

Q.10. Statements-

Almost bananas are papayas. All papayas are grapes.

0% grapes are apples. Some apples are coconuts.

Conclusions- - I. Some papayas being coconuts is a possibility

II. Minimum bananas are grapes.


Q.1. (4) Q.2. (1) Q.3. (4) Q.4 (3) Q.5.(5) Q.6.(3) Q.7.(4) Q.8.(3) Q.9.(1) Q.10.(4)

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