1. CONFLICT (VERB): fight
Synonyms: brawl, scuffle
Antonyms: serene, peace
Example sentence:
He appeared extremely disturbed by the conflict.
2. DROUGHT (NOUN): scarcity
Synonyms: shrinkness, depletion
Antonyms: plentiful, lavish
Example sentence:
They criticized leaders who were responsible for the financial drought faced by the nation.
3. PLEA (NOUN): request
Synonyms: pray, appeal
Antonyms: order, instruct
Example sentence:
The doctor's plea for silence went unheard, resulting in extreme discomfort to the patient.
4. ARREST (VERB): take in custody
Synonyms: abstain, detain
Antonyms: liberate, emancipate
Example sentence :
The judge will seek reasons for the arrest without a legal warrant.
5. UPHILL (ADJECTIVE): difficult
Synonym: tough, unimaginable
Antonyms: banal, mundane
Example sentence:
The article had a glorious description regarding the uphill task done by the army.
6. RIFT (NOUN): division
Synonyms: gap, difference
Antonyms: bridge, joint
Example sentence:
The oppossition and the government seemed to be focussed on removing the rift between them.
7. FORTHCOMING (ADJECTIVE): coming in future
Synonyms: New, Futuristic
Antonyms: Obsolete, Outdated
Example sentence:
Ever since I was of tender age, I have trained for forthcoming technical enhancements.
8. BORROW (VERB): to take by request
Synonyms: Loan, Beg
Antonyms: Snatch, Rob
Example sentence:
The new economic freedom has enabled people to borrow less and spend more.
9. CRISIS (NOUN): problem
Synonyms: Mayhem, Doom
Antonyms: Prosperity, Harmony
Example sentence:
The writer's crisis lies in the depiction of negative characters in a positive way and vice versa.
10. JUMBLE (VERB): disturb
Synonyms: disorder, disorganise
Antonyms: Organise, Arrange
Example sentence:
All of us can jumble up our lives but many few of us can arrange it properly.