1. DESPAIR (NOUN): hopelessness
Synonyms: anguish, depression
Antonyms: cheer, joy
Example Sentence:
He is the despair of his mother.
2. LINGER (VERB): loiter, delay
Synonyms: dawdle, hobble Antonyms: complete, rush
Example Sentence:
We lingered awhile after the party.
3. PONDER (VERB): think about seriously.
Synonyms: consider, contemplate Antonyms: discard, disregard
Example Sentence:
He pondered his next words thoroughly.
4. GLIMMER (VERB). sparkle
Synonyms: flicker, inkling Antonyms: dullness, vapid
Example Sentence:
We always want to focus on what we can do to help, to find that glimmer of optimism.
5. SCRAMBLE (VERB): race
Synonyms: strive, scuttle Antonyms: retreat, back off
Example Sentence:
She scrambled into her coat and ran out the door.
6. VAINLY (ADJ): in vain
Synonyms: futilely, uselessly Antonyms: usefully, tactfully
Example Sentence:
As Hudson vainly tried to save Lopez, the Honda roared away on just the wheel rims.
7. FLAUNT (VERB): show off
Synonyms: expose, boast Antonyms: conceal, refrain
Example Sentence:
He was expelled for flaunting military regulations.
8. POUNCE (NOUN): ambush
Synonyms: leap, dash Antonyms: aid, ascend
Example Sentence:
The bird quickly pounced its prey.
9. MOULD (VERB): carve, mildew
Synonyms: shape, incise Antonyms: combine, increase.
Example Sentence:
A bottle mould rises and envelops the mass of molten glass.
10. DISCARD (VERB): abandon, scrap
Synonyms: drop, abdicate Antonyms: ratify, accept
Example Sentence:
She started the coffee and picked up an empty pop bottle from the counter to discard in the trash.