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Vocabulary - 19.04.2016

Mahendra Guru
Vocabulary - 19.04.2016
1. OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): menacing

Synonyms: foreboding, sinister 

Antonyms: bright, joyful

Example Sentence: 

You should quit on doing ominous rituals, it is bad for the society.

2. RUCKUS (ADJECTIVE): quarrel 

Synonyms: brawl, disturbance Antonyms: calm, harmony

Example Sentence: 

Why is David always indulge in ruckus?

3. ABETTOR (NOUN): accomplice

Synonyms: supporter, confederate Antonyms: adversary, opponent

Example Sentence: 

All the abettors were punished by the law.


Synonyms: bad, low Antonyms: good, clean 

Example Sentence: 

The sordid mind of the criminal knew no bounds.


Synonyms: inquiring, analytical Antonyms: incurious, unconcerned

Example Sentence:

The inquisitive thought of the writer enthralled the readers.

6. UBIQUITOUS (VERB): ever-present 

Synonyms: everywhere, pervasive Antonyms: rare, scarce

Example Sentence: 

He is known as the ubiquitous friend who always helps in the need.

7. FRANTIC (ADJECTIVE): agitated

Synonyms: angry, distressed Antonyms: balanced, happy

Example Sentence: 

He got frantic when his friends egged him.

8. REPUDIATE (VERB): reject

Synonyms: abandon, retract Antonyms: accept, enforce

Example Sentence: 

The protestors demand was repudiated by the CEO of the company. 

9. SCION (NOUN): descendant

Synonyms: heir, graft Antonyms: parent, root

Example Sentence: 

The scion of King Charles was not worthy of the throne.

10. WREST (VERB): snatch

Synonyms: annex, preempt Antonyms: give, let go

Example Sentence:

The crowd wrest the peace of the society on trivial issue.

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