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IBPS Computer Quiz- 10.05.2016

Mahendra Guru
IBPS Computer Quiz- 10.05.2016
Q1. Net Meeting is a.

1. Chatting on internet

2. Remote desktop connection under DMS environment

3. Used for troubleshooting purpose

4. Both 2 & 3

5. None of the above

Ans(4)-Both 2 & 3

Q2. What is DMS?

1. Desktop Management Software

2. Desktop Management Service

3. Desktop Management Solution

4. Desktop Managerial Solution

5. Desktop Managerial Software.

Ans(3)-Desktop Management Solution

Q3. Spell Check will find errors in which of the following?

1. Today is a rainy day

2. Today is a rainy a day

3. Is a rainy

4. Rainy today a day

5. None of the above

ANS(5)-None of the above

Q4. Which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system?

1. User interface  

2. Language translator 

3. Platform  

4. Screen saver

5. None of the above

ANS(1)-User interface

Q5.MSI stands for?

1. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

2. Medium System Integrated Circuits

3. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit

4. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

5. Microsoft System Installer

ANS(1)-Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

Q6. The technology that stores only the essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus enhances its speed is referred to as?

1. CISC 

2. RISC 


4. Wi-Fi

5. DVD


Q7.  ........... is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors?

1. Tracking 

2. Formatting

3. Crashing 

4. Allotting

5. All of these


Q8.The first electronic computer was developed by?

1. J.V. Attansoff  

2. Bill Gates

3. Seymour Cray

4. Vinton Cerf 

5. Charles Babbage

ANS(1)-J.V. Attansoff

Q9.The mercantile process model consists of the following phases(s)?

1. The pre-purchase phase.

2. Purchase consummation phase.

3. Post-purchase Interaction phase.

4. All of the above.

5. None of the Above

ANS(4)-All of the Above

Q10. Hubs are present in the network?

1. To diagnose line failures, measure and manage traffic flow and simplify reconfiguring of LANs?

2. To interconnect the LAN with WANs.

3. To interconnect the WANs with WANs. 

4. To interconnect the WANs with LANs.

5. All of the Above

ANS(2)-To interconnect the LAN with WANs.

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