1. ASCURRILITY (NOUN): a false accusation or the quality of being evil
Synonyms: indecency, atrocity
Antonyms: virtue, pleasantry
Example Sentence:
The newspapers reviled their enemies with the utmost bitterness, and often with ferocious scurrility.
2. CENSORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very critical
Synonyms: accusatory, condemning Antonyms: praising, encouraging
Example Sentence:
There's no reason to be prissy or censorious on the subject of politicians.
3. CONVIVIALITY (NOUN): a boisterous party
Synonyms: festivity, merriment Antonym: recluse, boredom
Example Sentence:
He was often busy with his convivialities and paid no heed to his parents’ advice.
4. JOCUND (ADKECTIVE): cheerful
Synonyms: jolly, lighthearted Antonyms: sad, sulky
Example Sentence:
It was a jocund function and we enjoyed ourselves.
5. BAROQUE (ADJECTIVE): decorative, especially architecture
Synonyms: florid, ornate Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence:
The baroque richness of the Taj Mahal can’t be expressed in words.
6. AGGRANDIZE (VERB): cause something to seem or get grander
Synonyms: intensify, expand Antonyms: censure, condense
Example Sentence:
The new scheme will aggrandize the same old methods.
7. ASININE (ADJECTIVE): senseless
Synonyms: absurd, inane Antonyms: clear, sensible
Example Sentence:
He ignored his friend’s asinine remark.
8. BESMIRCH (VERB): damage (someone’s reputation)
Synonyms: dishonour, slander Antonyms: honour, respect
Example Sentence:
She had managed to besmirch his reputation with her crocodile tears.
9. BLARNEY (NOUN): flattery
Synonyms: cajolery, overpraise Antonyms: criticize, insult
Example sentence:
It took a lot of blarney to get us out of trouble.
10. CALLOW (ADJECTIVE): immature
Synonyms: inexperienced, naive Antonyms: experienced, sophisticated
Example Sentence:
The callow officers think they can do whatever they want despite their stupidity.