Q.1-5. When an input of words and numbers are given to a word and number arrangement machine it rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and its rearrangement given below.
Input: telecom turtle tares 225 64 toll 49 81 treason 256
Step I: tares telecom turtle 225 64 toll 81 treason 256 49
Step II: tares telecom toll turtle 225 81 treason 256 49 64
Step III: tares telecom toll treason turtle 225 256 49 64 81
Step IV: tares telecom toll treason turtle 256 49 64 81 225
Step V: tares telecom toll treason turtle 49 64 81 225 256
Step VI: 19 13 12 14 5 7 8 9 15 16
Step VII: 1 4 3 5 5 7 8 9 6 7
Step VIII: 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9
Step VIII is the last step of the above input arrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the following question the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: shadow shade 100 324 shack shabby 441 676 snake 289 squad 841
Q-1 Which of the following steps will be the last but one for the above Input?
01. V
02. VI
03. VII
04. VIII
05. None of these
Q-2 Which of the following will be step V for the given above input?
01. shabby shack shade shadow 841 snake squad 100 289 324 441 676
02. shabby shack shade 676 shadow snake squad 841 100 289 324 441
03. shabby shack shade shadow snake squad 841 100 289 324 441 676
04. shabby shack shade shadow snake 676 squad 841 100 289 324 441
05. None of these
Q-3 Which of the following will be step VII for the given above input?
01. 25 11 5 23 5 4 10 26 29 17 18 21
02. 25 11 5 23 5 4 26 29 10 17 18 21
03. 25 11 5 23 18 21 26 29 5 4 10 17
04. 25 11 5 23 5 4 10 17 18 21 26 29
05. None of these
Q-4 Step III of above input is: shabby shack shade shadow 441 676 snake squad 841 100 289 324. How many more steps will be required to complete the above rearrangement?
01. Four
02. Five
03. Six
04. Seven
05. None of these
Q-5 How many steps will be required to complete the above Input?
01. Nine
02. Eight
03. Seven
04. Six
05. None of these
Q.6-10. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circle facing the centre. They wear different colour dress Blue, Green and Violet in which every two persons wear same colour dress but persons who wear same colour dress are not seated adjacent to each other.
A, who wear Blue colour dress seated between E and B but both of them does not wear Violet colour dress. D is seated to the immediate right of C who does not wear Violet colour dress. D is not immediate neighbour of B and F. B sits opposite of D.
Q-6 Which of the following pair of persons wear Violet colour dress?
01. ED
02. DF
03. AC
04. BF
05. None of these
Q-7 Which of the following is false?
01. C is an immediately right of F
02. D, wear violet colour dress
03. E is second right of B
04. B wear green colour dress
05. None of these
Q-8 The person who sits opposite to D wear which colour dress?
01. Blue
02. Violet
03. Violet or Blue
04. Green
05. None of these
Q-9 Who is second to the left of F?
01. E
02. C
03. D
04. B
05. None of these
Q-10 Which of the following is true?
01. A - Green
02. B - Blue
03. E - Violet
04. C - Blue
05. None of these
1. 4
2. 3
3. 4
4. 3
5. 1
6. 2
7. 3
8. 4
9. 5
10. 4