1. BABBLER (NOUN): someone who talks too much.
Synonyms: chatterbox, gossip monger
Antonyms: reticent, introvert
Example Sentence:
He is such a babbler that nobody likes him
2. ACCOST (VERB): approach
Synonyms: confront, annoy Antonyms: ignore, avoid
Example Sentence:
His father accosted him for his ill behaviour.
3. COMMISERATE (VERB): sympathize
Synonyms: pit, console Antonym: turn away, be different
Example Sentence:
People commiserated her on the death of her father.
Synonyms: bitterness, belligerence Antonyms: love, kindness.
Example Sentence:
From day one, the press will be searching for acrimonious members of the cabinet.
Synonyms: inborn, innate Antonyms: extrinsic, acquired
Example Sentence:
We need to find the intrinsic talent of the student.
6. OBFUSCATE (VERB): confuse
Synonyms: baffle, complicate Antonym: enlighten, explain
Example Sentence:
In software development, manual obfuscation is the deliberate act of creating obfuscated code.
7. POUNDING (ADJECTIVE / NOUN): to beat rhythmically
Synonyms: drub, pulsate Antonyms: fail, lose
Example Sentence:
The pounding heart was a relief to the doctors as the operation was successful.
8. FUDDLE (VERB): bewilder someone.
Synonyms: unsettle, perturb Antonyms: calm, soothe
Example Sentence:
I love to fuddle my friends.
Synonyms: mockery, derision Antonyms: irresolute, surrendering
Example sentence:
People hate him because of his scorn remarks on everyone.
10. REFUTE (VERB): to prove false.
Synonyms: discredit, contradict Antonyms: credit, affirm
Example Sentence:
The evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence.