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Vocabulary - 08.06.2016

Mahendra Guru
Vocabulary - 08.06.2016
1. FACET (NOUN): aspect

Synonyms: feature, front 

Antonyms: whole, unabridged

Example Sentence: 

After examining every facet of your argument, I have to agree there are no loop holes with the plan.

2. FALLIBLE (ADJECTIVE): capable of making mistakes 

Synonyms: faulty, imperfect Antonyms: perfect, unerring

Example Sentence: 

Everyone is fallible to some degree but only those succeed who can overcome their imperfections.

3. FEALTY (NOUN): allegiance

Synonyms: faithfulness, loyalty Antonym: disloyalty, treachery

Example Sentence: 

Every doctor and physician takes an oath and swears fealty to his profession.

4. FLAMBOYANT (ADJECTIVE): displaying flashy or loud behavior

Synonyms: extravagant, pompous Antonyms: plain, unflashy

Example Sentence:

The pop star’s flamboyant entry was marked by the large entourage that surrounded her through the corridor. 

5. FOIBLE (NOUN): a minor flaw 

Synonyms: imperfection, frailty Antonyms: flawlessness, normality

Example Sentence: 

Jane’s short tempered attitude is her only foible that gets her into trouble now and then.

6. FORTUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): accidentally lucky

Synonyms: fortunate, random Antonym: deliberate, intentional

Example Sentence:

Adam’s fortuitous meeting with the producer was the first step of his journey to stardom.

7. FRAUDULENT (ADJECTIVE): based on fraud or deception

Synonyms: counterfeit, deceitful Antonyms: trustworthy, honest

Example Sentence: 

Many people around the nation file fraudulent tax returns to save the hefty amount of income tax they have to pay.

8. FUGACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): short-lived

Synonyms: transitory, fleeting Antonyms: lasting, enduring

Example Sentence: 

The fugacious nature of youth has been very well defined by Chanakya in his book.

9. FLUCTUATION (NOUN): to shift back and forth uncertainly

Synonyms: vacillation, variation Antonyms: uniformity, consistency

Example sentence: 

The doctor's concern grew when he saw the constant fluctuations in the patient’s heart beat.

10. FURTIVE (ADJECTIVE): marked by quiet, caution, and secrecy

Synonyms: sneaky, conspiratorial Antonyms: open, disclosed

Example Sentence: 

The furtive escape of the prisoners by digging a tunnel, left the police department in awe.

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