1. JAUNTY (ADJECTIVE): expressing cheer and self-assurance
Synonyms: carefree, lively
Antonyms: depressed, unhappy
Example Sentence:
When harry lost his family in the accident he also lost his jaunty attitude.
2. JEST (NOUN): joke
Synonyms: banter, gag Antonyms: somber, grieve
Example Sentence:
Jake never knew that the remark he made about Jenny in his jest will hurt her feelings.
3. JOSTLE (VERB): to compete for something
Synonyms: struggle, tussle Antonym: harmonize, co-ordinate
Example Sentence:
The players started to jostle for the position of the captain as soon as the announcement was made.
4. JABBER (VERB): to talk rapidly and incessantly,
Synonyms: babble, ramble Antonyms: silence, quiet
Example Sentence:
Jordon started to jabber about his opponent.
5. JARGON (NOUN): technical term
Synonyms: dialect, lingo Antonyms: standard, typical
Example Sentence:
The team members used an unusual jargon to discuss the strategy which James could not comprehend as he was a novice.
6. JIBE (VERB): to agree
Synonyms: harmonize, conform Antonym: disagree, differ
Example Sentence:
The findings of the spy did not jibe with the testimony, thus nothing could be proved against the accused.
7. JUNCTURE (NOUN): turning point
Synonyms: climax, twist Antonyms: whole, complete
Example Sentence:
James is at an important juncture of his life where he has to decide between joining the army or resuming his studies
8. JEOPARDY (NOUN): at risk of loss or harm
Synonyms: trouble, endangerment Antonyms: assurance, safety
Example Sentence:
Jemma puts her health in jeopardy every time she does not take her medicines on time.
Synonyms: humorous, playful Antonyms: gloomy, sad
Example sentence:
The In-charge tried being a little jocular by telling funny incidents he had to face at his earlier job.
10. JUMBLED (ADJECTIVE): mixed up
Synonyms: tangled, befuddled Antonyms: organized, systematized
Example Sentence:
Molly constantly complains about the jumbled mess of hair she has.