Synonyms: liability, obligation
Antonyms: asset, excess
Antonyms: asset, excess
Example Sentence:
All his accounts went into arrears when he lost his job.
2. AVARICE (NOUN): intense desire to hoard wealth
Synonyms: greed, frugality Antonyms: generosity, philanthropy
Example Sentence:
Motivated by avarice, the thief did not resist hurting the old lady
3. ATHWART (ADJECTIVE): diagonal
Synonyms: across, crosswise Antonym: parallel, aligned
Example Sentence:
The pizza was cut athwart and divided in six equal pieces.
4. ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification
Synonyms: seize, confiscate Antonyms: offer, release
Example Sentence:
The public park was arrogated by a gang of hooligans.
5. APROPOS (ADJECTIVE): appropriate
Synonyms: apt, relevant Antonyms: unsuitable, inappropriate
Example Sentence:
The monetary apropos support was given to the company.
6. ANGST (NOUN): feeling of anxiety
Synonyms: agony, uneasiness Antonym: calmness, composure
Example Sentence:
The poet’s new attempt describes the angst of a physically tortured child.
7. ALEATORY (ADJECTIVE): unplanned
Synonyms: impromptu, random Antonyms: deliberate, methodical
Example Sentence:
Gambling has ruined many because of its aleatory nature.
8. ACERBITY (NOUN): harsh speech, behavior
Synonyms: rudeness, rancor Antonyms: humility, politeness
Example Sentence:
Tarun’s acerbity is well known.
9. ACCLIVITY (NOUN): upward inclination
Synonyms: elevation, ascent Antonyms: depression, descent
Example sentence:
The old and rusty vehicle could not climb up the slight acclivity
10. ARCANE (ADJECTIVE): hidden
Synonyms: obscure, esoteric Antonyms: known, commonplace
Example Sentence:
The old house had an arcane cabin in the basement.