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Vocabulary Words - 24.09.2016

Mahendra Guru

 Vocabulary Words - 24.09.2016
1. TIFF (NOUN): argument

Synonyms: bickering, quarrel 

Antonyms: agreement, harmony

Example Sentence: 

The ethical tiff has greater value. 

2. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): deadly, injurious

Synonyms: destructive, harmful Antonyms: helpful, kind

Example Sentence:

This is a noxious gas.

3. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow

Synonyms: pursue, supersede Antonyms: retreat, precede

Example Sentence:

When you see your leader like that, you supervene, you believe.


Synonyms: classy, garish Antonyms: plain, modest

Example Sentence:

The celebrities prefer wearing splurgy clothes. 

5. PRIMP (VERB): beautify and dress nicely

Synonyms: groom, spruce Antonyms: mess up, uglify

Example Sentence:

Girls are notorious for taking too much time to primp themselves.

6. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): observant, perceptive

Synonyms: alert, aware Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant

Example Sentence: 

Detectives work with a perspicacious mind to solve the cases.


Synonyms: cruel, oppressive Antonyms: easy, gentle

Example Sentence: 

Aurangzeb is known as a draconian leader.

8. PILLAGE (VERB): plunder, destroy

Synonyms: ravage, ransack Antonyms: protect, construct

Example Sentence: 

The terrorists pillaged the whole village.

9. DAWDLE (VERB): waste time

Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate Antonyms: hasten, hurry

Example Sentence:

The boss warned the employee that he will fire him from the job if he dawdled again.

10. SYNONYMOUS (ADJECTIVE): equivalent

Synonyms: compatible, identical Antonyms: different, polar

Example Sentence: 

Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.

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