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Vocabulary Words - 23.11.2016

Mahendra Guru
Vocabulary Words - 23.11.2016

Synonyms: blunt, arrant 

Antonyms: clothed, indefinite 

Example Sentence:

He expressed stark criticism regarding black-money.

2. DISTRESS (NOUN): pain

Synonyms: affliction, desolation Antonyms: euphoria, delight

Example Sentence:

Those who are in distress will get relief very soon.

3. SEVERE (ADJECTIVE): uncompromising

Synonyms: relentless, astringent Antonyms: facile, temperate

Example Sentence: 

All those who have black money will face severe punishment.

4. RIGOROUSLY (ADVERB): painstakingly 

Synonyms: laboriously, warily Antonyms: inadequately, carelessly

Example Sentence:

They did the job rigorously.

5. FLAW (NOUN): imperfection

Synonyms: blemish, defect Antonyms: advantage, perfection 

Example Sentence:

They corrected their flaws.

6. FATALITY (NOUN): death

Synonyms: casualty, mortality Antonyms: birth, inception

Example Sentence: 

The fatalities caused in the accidents must be taken as a sacrifice.

7. STATUTORY (ADJECTIVE): sanctioned

Synonyms: lawful, judicial Antonyms: illegitimate, illicit

Example Sentence:

They have violated the statutory limit.

8. REVAMP (VERB): renovate

Synonyms: overhaul, refurbish Antonyms: destroy, ruin

Example Sentence:

He revamped the organization with his policies.

9. MISHAP (NOUN): accident

Synonyms: hazard, disaster Antonyms: boon, blessing

Example Sentence:

They died in the mishap.

10. INTENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): exhaustive

Synonyms: comprehensive, thorough Antonyms: incomprehensive, superficial 

Example Sentence:

Their actions require intensive introspection.

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