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Vocabulary Words - 05.02.2017

Mahendra Guru
Vocabulary Words - 05.02.2017
1. MAUDLIN (ADJECTIVE): teary, overemotional

Synonyms: mawkish, mushy 

Antonyms: pragmatic, unemotional

Example Sentence: 

The girl’s performance was so maudlin that people started to boo her off the stage.

2. LATITUDE (NOUN): freedom

Synonyms: independence, liberty Antonyms: refusal, prohibition

Example Sentence:

We live in a free country, and our latitude allows for us to make that choice.

3. MORTIFIED (VERB): embarrass

Synonyms: annoy, chagrin Antonyms: aid, delight

Example Sentence:

When my uncle does not take his medication, he is likely to mortify my aunt by talking to himself in public.

4. LIMBO (NOUN): state of uncertainty

Synonyms: oblivion, nothingness Antonyms: certainty, certitude

Example Sentence:

She is in the state of limbo weather she will win the competition or not.

5. MUNIFICENT (ADJECTIVE): giving, generous

Synonyms: benevolent, charitable Antonyms: greedy, selfish

Example Sentence:

The wealthy actor always gives the members of his staff munificent appreciation gifts.

6. LOOPY (ADJECTIVE): foolish

Synonyms: absurd, crazy Antonyms: balanced, logical

Example Sentence: 

He is a loopy boy.

7. MILITATE (VERB): have importance

Synonyms: mean, weigh Antonyms: disregard, estimate

Example Sentence: 

This seems occasionally to militate against the clearness of the work. 

8. LABYRINTH (NOUN): maze, complexity

Synonyms: tangle, coil Antonyms: ease, order

Example Sentence:

The scientist was curious to learn which of the mice would reach the exit of the labyrinth first.

9. MERCURIAL (ADJECTIVE): flighty, temperamental

Synonyms: changeable, erratic Antonyms: certain, constant

Example Sentence:

While my uncle is as predictable as the sunrise, my aunt is very mercurial.

10. MERCENARY (ADJECTIVE): greedy for money

Synonyms: acquisitive, selfish Antonyms: generous, unselfish

Example Sentence:

Because Ankit is a mercenary, he is motivated by financial gain.

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