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English Language Questions | RBI GRADE "B" AND NICL AO 2017 | 22.03.2017

Mahendra Guru
  English Language Questions | RBI GRADE "B" AND NICL AO 2017 |15.05.2017

Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered, these numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The National Green Tribunal wants a ban on plastic bags to (1) curb environmental and health hazards. This is wrong-headed and elitist. Undeniably, (2) plastic bags choke drains, lead to waterlogging and also endanger the lives of birds and animals. However, a complete ban on plastics is not the answer to the problem, the nub of which is failure to work out ways to (3) risk with better management of plastic waste. The provisions of a law way back in 2000 requiring waste to be segregated at the source have been observed more in the breach.

That’s appalling. An outright ban will hurt the (4) of the poor, many of whom make a living by selling stuff from carts and roadside stalls, and offering their customers cheap plastic bags in which to carry off their purchase is vital to the survival of this form of livelihood. Banning plastic because of its potential to do (5) if its use is not managed properly is like banning roads because accidents happen on them.

In 2011, the environment ministry issued rules to improve plastic recycling and had placed the (6) of enforcement of plastic waste management on state-level environmental departments and municipal governments.

Sensibly, the rules only banned plastic bags that are less than 40-micron (7). Bags of thicker plastic have some economic value and, thereby, provide incentive for some recycling. Local bodies are also supposed to ensure safe waste handling and set up collection centres as well as direct plastic manufactures to set up such centres in line with the principle of extended producers’ responsibility. Nothing could be (8), in practice.

So, the (9) really is to enforce rules and improve municipal waste management systems. Rightly, industry should come together to look for grass-root solutions to (10) plastic waste that would also help create more jobs. The answer is to enforce the three Rs of polythene use: reduce, reuse and recycle. The burden of the state’s inability to do the right thing should not be dumped on to the poor.

1.1. Externally 2.ostensibly 3.probably 4.occasionally 5.unlikely

2.1. Discarded 2.vacant 3.superseded 4.shelved 5.antique

3.1. Dwindle 2.pair 3.recall 4.reduce 5.stretch

4.1. Background 2.possession 3.supported 4.pursuit 5.livelihood

5.1. Justice 2.violation 3.harm 4.soak 5.outrage

6.1. Dilemma 2.onus 4.obscurity 5.guilt

7.1. Valued 2.depth 3.massive 4.thick 5.grand

8.1. Required 2.advocates 3.honoured 4.addressed 5.enforced

9.1. Challenge 2.protest 3.salute 4.inquire 5.suffer

10.1. Accomplishing 2.managing 3.saving 4.transacting 5.Guiding


1. (2) Ostensibly

2. (1) Discarded

3. (4) Reduce

4. (5) Livelihood

5. (3) Harm

6. (2) Onus

7. (4) Thick

8. (5) Enforced

9. (1) Challenge

10. (2) Managing


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