Q-1 If Water@ Soil means Water is sister of Soil, Water % Soil means Water is daughter of Soil, Water* Soil means Water is mother of Soil and Water # Soil means Water is son of Soil then in the expression Purple @ Green % Orange # Yellow * Brown, how is Green related to Brown?
01. Daughter
02. Mother
03. Sister
04. Daughter-in-law
05. None of these
Q-2 How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ARCHDEACON each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have between them in the English alphabet?
01. One
02. Two
03. Three
04. Four
05. More than four
Q-3 If only each of the vowels in the word IMPOSE is changed to the next letter in the English alphabet then which of the following will be the fifth letter from the left end?
01. P
02. J
03. F
04. S
05. None of these
Q-4 If said rude word is coded as ma lo na and kind of hard rock is coded as ko sa re jo then what will be the code of hard?
01. ko
02. jo
03. sa
04. Cannot be determined
05. None of these
Q-5 In a certain code XTRA is written as ‘%’ and PAST is written as ‘#3%2’. How would TAXI be written in that code?
01. % & # 2
02. Cannot be determined
03. # 3 2 &
04. 3 2 & 4
05. None of these
Q-6 How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters N,E,R,S,T and I using each letter only once in each word?
01. None
02. One
03. Two
04. Three
05. More than three
Q-7 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
01. NPG
02. RTB
03. KLC
04. JLC
05. QSJ
Q-8 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
01. Malathion
02. Sulphur
03. Iprodione
04. Warfarin
05. Hydrazine
Q-9 In the examination K got more marks than J but not as many as G.G got more marks than Y and T. Y got less marks than J but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is fourth in the ascending order of marks?
01. G
02. Y
03. K
04. J
05. None of these
Q-10 In the class, Sachin ranks from top is 34th and Eram ranks is 26th from the bottom. If the total number of students in the class is 45 then how many students are there between Sachin and Eram?
01. 12
02. 15
03. 16
04. 13
05. None of these
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