Previous year questions give guidance to us and provide a base for the preparation of any competitive exam. It is always good to have an experience of how the level of exam varies from year to year. For every subject like in Reasoning Ability, we come to know the pattern of questions must be followed to prepare the examination.
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given
Seven neighbours S, P, L, Q, R, M and I
live on different floors in the same building having seven floors numbered one
to seven. (The first floor is numbered one, the floor above it is numbered two
and so on and the topmost floor is numbered as seven.) Three persons live
between I and M. M lives on the floor above S, who does not live on an
odd-numbered floor. P is neither live on odd number nor topmost floor. I does
not live on the first floor. Two persons live between R and S. Q lives neither
on the first floor nor on the fourth floor.
1. Who lives on the floor just above M?
a) L
b) P
c) Q
b) P
c) Q
d) R
e) None of these
e) None of these
2. How many persons live between L and P?
a) None
b) One
c) Two
b) One
c) Two
d) Three
e) Can’t be determined
e) Can’t be determined
3. Which of the following pairs live on the
first floor and the topmost floor respectively?
a) L, Q
b) Q, P
c) I, Q
b) Q, P
c) I, Q
d) L, I
e) Can’t be determined
e) Can’t be determined
4. Who among the following lives on the
topmost floor?
a) I
b) Q
c) P
c) P
d) L
e) None of these
e) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations is
a) First floor-S
b) Fourth floor-R
c) Third floor-M
d) Sixth floor-I
b) Fourth floor-R
c) Third floor-M
d) Sixth floor-I
e) None of these
1. (b)
1. (b)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (c)