1. FERRET (VERB): to uproot
Synonyms: beat, break
Antonyms: cover, dirty
Example Sentence:
We are trying to ferret out missing
2. TOUCHSTONE (NOUN): criterion
Synonyms: barometer, benchmark
Antonyms: lawlessness, guess
Example Sentence:
We were testing
them against their very own touchstone of truth.
3. AFFRONT (NOUN): to insult
Synonyms: offence, humiliation
Antonyms: respect, appeasement
Example Sentence:
He regarded my work as an affront to my
4. ENMITY (NOUN): hostility
Synonyms: friction, animus
Antonyms: approval, sympathy
Example Sentence:
My colleague feels enmity towards
5. DISSENT (NOUN): disagreement
Synonyms: objection, variance
Antonyms: acceptance, concurrence
Example Sentence:
These voices of dissent grew louder against the master.
6. LUDICROUS (ADJECTIVE): so foolish
Synonyms: bizarre, farcical
Antonyms: grave, serious
Example Sentence:
We have found some of his words completely ludicrous.
(NOUN): an increase
Synonyms: bloc, coalition
Antonyms: parting, severance
Example Sentence:
All the states of the country is usually
merged for a time by the groundswell of the population.
(NOUN): bravery
Synonyms: pluck, spine
Antonyms: cowardice, fear
Example Sentence:
He showed valor and skill on the battlefield.
9. ROUT (NOUN): to retreat
Synonyms: beating, confusion
Antonyms: miracle, triumph
Example Sentence:
His wife
had to rout him out of the crowd.
10. VAINGLORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): excessively proud of oneself
Synonyms: egotistical, haughty
Antonyms: timid, humble
Example Sentence:
He was rather vainglorious about his own
war record.
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