Computer is the easiest and scoring section in every bank's examination which is entirely based on the basic knowledge of computer. Computer Quiz basically judges your basic knowledge and helps to analyze your performance so that you can improve your preparation level for an upcoming exam. Mahendra Guru provides you a Computer Knowledge Quiz for Bank examination based on the latest pattern. So, that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.
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A) 8
B) 4
C) 16
D) 2
E) All of these
A) 1982
B) 1984
C) 1985
D) 1989
E) All of these
Q3. The silicon chips used for data processing are called
A) RAM chips
B) ROM chips
C) Microprocessors
D) PROM chips
ANS-CQ4. Which computers used operating systems by Microsoft?
B) Apple/Macintosh PCs
C) IBM Compatibles
D) Both A & C
E) Both A & B
Q5. One of the main features that distinguish microprocessors from micro-computer is
B) Words are shorter in microprocessors
A) 1614
B) 1617
D) None of these
E) All of these
Q7. One computer that is not considered a portable computer is
A) Minicomputer
B) A laptop computer
C) Tablet PC
D) All of the these
E) None of these
Q8. Computers built before the First Generation of computers were:
B) Action method
C) Transfer method
B) System analysis defines the format and type of data the program will use
Q1. How many types of storage loops exists in magnetic bubble memory
A) 8
B) 4
C) 16
D) 2
E) All of these
ANS-DQ2. When did IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?
A) 1982
B) 1984
C) 1985
D) 1989
E) All of these
Q3. The silicon chips used for data processing are called
A) RAM chips
B) ROM chips
C) Microprocessors
D) PROM chips
E) All of these
ANS-CQ4. Which computers used operating systems by Microsoft?
B) Apple/Macintosh PCs
C) IBM Compatibles
D) Both A & C
E) Both A & B
Q5. One of the main features that distinguish microprocessors from micro-computer is
A) Words are usually large in microprocessors
B) Words are shorter in microprocessors
C) Microprocessor does not contain I/O device
D) Exactly the same as the machine cycle time
E) All of these
Q6. Napier’s Bones were invented in
Q6. Napier’s Bones were invented in
A) 1614
B) 1617
C) 1620
D) None of these
E) All of these
Q7. One computer that is not considered a portable computer is
A) Minicomputer
B) A laptop computer
C) Tablet PC
D) All of the these
E) None of these
Q8. Computers built before the First Generation of computers were:
A) Mechanical
B) Electro-mechanical
C) Electrical
D) None of these
E) All of these
Q9. Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory?
Q9. Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory?
A) Random access memory
B) Action method
C) Transfer method
D) Density method
E) All of these
10. What is System Analysis?
10. What is System Analysis?
A) The design of the screen the user will see and use to enter or display data
B) System analysis defines the format and type of data the program will use
C) System Analysis involves creating formal model of the problem to be solved
D) None of the these
E) All of these
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