Synonyms: euphoric, exuberant
Antonyms: depressed, sorrowful
Example Sentence:
The crowd was jubilant at the act.
2. JUXTAPOSITION (NOUN): the act of placing two things next to each other
Synonyms: nearness, proximity
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example Sentence:
The interior designer admired my juxtaposition of the yellow couch and green table.
Synonyms: crucial, acute
Antonyms: easy, facile
Example Sentence:
The patient has an exigent need for medication, or else he will lose his sight.
4. FERAL (ADJECTIVE) wild, savage
Synonyms: ferocious, brutal
Antonyms: domesticated, cultivated
Example Sentence:
That beast looks so feral that I would fear being alone with it.
5. MAUDLIN (ADJECTIVE): weakly sentimental
Synonyms: teary, overemotional
Antonyms: pragmatic, unemotional
Example Sentence:
Although many people enjoy romantic comedies, I usually find them maudlin and shallow.
6. PALLIATE (VERB): to reduce the severity of
Synonyms: abate, cover up
Antonyms: enlarge, expose
Example Sentence:
The new medication would palliate the patient’s discomfort.
Synonyms: courageous, high-spirited
Antonyms: coward, gutless
Example Sentence:
Here she mounts a mettlesome horse and trains him with the wonderful skill.
8. PITH (NOUN): heart of the matter
Synonyms: core, crux
Antonyms: innervation, insignificance
Example Sentence:
Remove as much of the white membrane or pith as possible.
9. IMPUTE (VERB): attribute
Synonyms: ascribe, adduce
Antonyms: absolve, exonerate
Example Sentence:
If readings are missing then nearby sites are used to impute a value for that site.
10. RIBALD (ADJECTIVE): coarsely
Synonyms: vulgar, obscene
Antonyms: decent, refined
Example Sentence:
While some giggled at the ribald joke involving a parson’s daughter, most sighed and rolled their eyes.