In this era of competition, ‘Vocabulary’ plays a vital role in every exam. Several banking and Government exams are around the corner like IBPS Clerk Mains, IBPS SO Pre, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level exams and Other Competitive Exams.In the English section, you can score 6 to 8 marks easily in less time period if you go through the ‘The Hindu Vocab’ and ‘Test Your Vocab’ on daily basis. Mahendra Guru provides you 10 new words in The Hindu Vocab on the daily basis which will benefit you in upcoming examinations.
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1.DISTINGUISH (VERB): tell the difference
Synonyms: analyze, categorize
Antonyms: allow, combine
Example Sentence:
Distinguish the matter as soon as possible.
2. EXTRICATE (VERB): get out of a situation
Synonyms: detach extract
Antonyms: attach connect
Example Sentence:
Students should extricate themselves from bad things.
3. ENTANGLE (VERB): involve
Synonyms: confuse, complicate
Antonyms: clarify, exclude
Example Sentence:
Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.
4. ENSNARE (VERB): trap
Synonyms: cheat, embroil
Antonyms: free, liberate
Example Sentence:
Don't let anyone ensnare you.
5. DUMBFOUND (VERB): astound
Synonyms: amaze, astonish
Antonyms: calm, expect
Example Sentence:
He did his best to dumbfound his boss.
6. FORECAST (NOUN): prediction
Synonyms: projection, estimate
Antonyms: hindsight, ignorance
Example Sentence:
You are not a God that your forecast is going to be happened.
Synonyms: agitated, anxious
Antonyms: balanced, calm
Example Sentence:
She burst into a little peal of laughter as she looked into his distraught face.
Synonyms: calculated, deliberate
Antonyms: accidental, casual
Example Sentence:
Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp?
9. RIG (VERB): outfit, supply
Synonyms: equip, furnish
Antonyms: disrobe, uncover
Example Sentence:
The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.
Synonyms: complex, compound
Antonyms: homogeneous, simple
Example Sentence:
This composite body of troop can’t be recognized.
Synonyms: analyze, categorize
Antonyms: allow, combine
Example Sentence:
Distinguish the matter as soon as possible.
2. EXTRICATE (VERB): get out of a situation
Synonyms: detach extract
Antonyms: attach connect
Example Sentence:
Students should extricate themselves from bad things.
3. ENTANGLE (VERB): involve
Synonyms: confuse, complicate
Antonyms: clarify, exclude
Example Sentence:
Don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.
4. ENSNARE (VERB): trap
Synonyms: cheat, embroil
Antonyms: free, liberate
Example Sentence:
Don't let anyone ensnare you.
5. DUMBFOUND (VERB): astound
Synonyms: amaze, astonish
Antonyms: calm, expect
Example Sentence:
He did his best to dumbfound his boss.
6. FORECAST (NOUN): prediction
Synonyms: projection, estimate
Antonyms: hindsight, ignorance
Example Sentence:
You are not a God that your forecast is going to be happened.
Synonyms: agitated, anxious
Antonyms: balanced, calm
Example Sentence:
She burst into a little peal of laughter as she looked into his distraught face.
Synonyms: calculated, deliberate
Antonyms: accidental, casual
Example Sentence:
Had it really been premeditated that he should fall into that camp?
9. RIG (VERB): outfit, supply
Synonyms: equip, furnish
Antonyms: disrobe, uncover
Example Sentence:
The children return from Box Hill, and are rigged out for church.
Synonyms: complex, compound
Antonyms: homogeneous, simple
Example Sentence:
This composite body of troop can’t be recognized.