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Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Quantitative Aptitude quiz is basically to test your mathematical calculation and approach. It is to find out how fast you can solve a given question with the right methodology of solving the problem. If you know the formulas and short tricks of some important topic in Maths, you will definitely score good marks. So, it is important to know the basic concept of all the topic so you can apply the short tricks and solve the question with a new concept in lesser time while giving the quiz. Quantitative Aptitude Quiz helps to evaluate your preparation for banking exam so you can improve your preparation level. Mahendra Guru provides you Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Bank examination based on the latest pattern. So that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.

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Q1.) In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

निम्न दी गयी संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत हैं| गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये  ? 

739                 983                1541              2070              2695          3424

1.) 739      2.) 983        3.) 1541         4.) 2070        5.) No wrong number

Q2.) In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

निम्न दी गयी संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत हैं| गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये ? 

32                  50                 128                   452                    2039                     11226    
1.) 11226      2.) 2039        3.) 452         4.) 128       5.) No wrong number

Q3.) In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

निम्न दी गयी संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत हैं| गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये ? 

1            5                   19                   73                       317                    1621

1.) 1           2.)5        3.) 73        4.) 1621      5.) No wrong number

Q4.) In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

निम्न दी गयी संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत हैं| गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये ? 

1               9                 64               497               4545                 50105

1.) 1           2.) 9        3.) 64         4.) 4545       5.) No wrong number

Q5.) In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

निम्न दी गयी संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत हैं| गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये ? 

34                    50                     74                 115                 178                    274

1.) 34                2.) 50               3.) 74           4.) 115                5.) No wrong number

Q6.) The average wages of a worker during 15 consecutive working days was Rs.90 per day. During the first 7 days, his average wages was Rs.87/day and the average wages during the last 7 days was Rs.92 /day. What was his wage on the 8th day?

एक मजदूर के 15 क्रमंगत दिनों की औसत मजदूरी 90 रू. प्रति दिन है| पहले 7 दिन में औसत मजदूरी रू 87/दिन और आखिरी 7 दिन औसत मजदूरी रू 92/दिन है | उसकी 8 वे  दिन की मजदूरी क्या हैं ? 

1.) 96               2.) 97               3.) 95               4.) 98               5.) 93

Q7.) An experiment succeeds twice as often as it fails. What is the probability that in the next 4 trials there will be three successes?

एक परीक्षण जितना फ़ैल होता है उसके दुगना सफल होता है | अगले 4 प्रयास में 3 में सफल होने की प्रायिकता क्या हैं? 

1.) Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18   2.) Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18 3.) Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18 4.) Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18 5.) None of these

Q8.) Two men, sitting on the table. One man has 7 eggs and other had 5 eggs. A third man passing by requested them to share their food in return for money. The three of them shared the eggs equally and the third traveller paid the other two a total of Rs 24.Find the difference between the amounts received by first two men?

दो पुरुष एक टेबल पर बैठें हुए है | एक पुरुष के पास 7 अंडे और दूसरे के पास 5 अंडे हैं | एक तीसरा पुरुष इनसे धन के बदले अपने भोजन को बटने की प्रथना करता है | वह तीनो बराबर अंडे बाट लेते है और तीसरा पुरुष इन्हें कुल 24 रू देता हैं | पहले दो पुरुष को मिली  धनराशि का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिये?  

1.) 12               2.) 18               3.) 8                 4.) 9                 5.) None of these

Q9.) Three pipes P, Q and R can fill a tank in 6 hours, after working it at together for 2 hours, R is closed and P and Q can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. How much time will R take alone to fill the tank?

तीन नल P,Q और R किसी टंकी को 6 घंटे में भर सकते हैं, इन्हें एक साथ खोलने के 2 घंटे बाद नल R को बंद कर दिया जात है तथा P और Q शेष भाग 7 घंटे में भर देते है | R अकेले इस टंकी को कितनी देर में भरेगा? 

(1) 16 hours     (2) 14 hours     (3) 12 hours     (4) 10 hours (5) None of these

Q10.) The ratio of marks obtained by Deepak and Naimish is 6:5. If the combined average of their percentage is 68.75 and their sum of the marks is 275, find the total marks for which exam was conducted. 

दीपक और नैमिष के प्राप्त अंक का अनुपात 6 : 5 हैं | यदि इनके प्रतिशत का औसत 68.75 है और इनके अंको का योग 275 हैं, जिसके लिए परिक्षा आयोजित की गयी थी उसके अधिकतम अंक ज्ञात कीजिये ? 

1.) 200      2.) 250        3.) 300         4.)  350   5.) None of these

Solution :

Q1.) (2)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Q2.) (1)
Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Q3.) (5)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
Q4.) (3) 

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
Q5.) (4)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
Q6.) (2)

The total wages earned during the 15 days that the worker worked = 15×90 = Rs.1350.
The total wages earned during the first 7 days = 7×87 = Rs. 609.
The total wages earned during the last 7 days = 7×92 = Rs. 644.
Total wages earned during the 15 days = wages during first 7 days + wage on 8th day + wages during the last 7 days.
1350 = 609 + wage on 8th day + 644.
Wage on 8th day = 1350−609−644 = Rs. 97

Q7.) (3)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Q8.) (1)

Total = 7 + 5 = 12
Each man will get = Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
Third man pay 24 Rs for 4 eggs
1 egg price = 6
Difference = Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

Q9.) (2) In 2 hour the part filled by all the three pipes = Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
 Remaining part =Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18, which is filled by (P + Q) in 7 hours.
 Hence, in 1 hour the part filled by (P + Q) = Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
 since, in 1 hour the part filled by R alone = Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18
 Therefore, R alone will fill the bank in 14 hours.

Q10.) (1)

Quantitative Aptitude Questions For SBI Clerk :17 - 02 - 18

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