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SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 23 - 02 - 18

In SSC exam quantitative Aptitude section is more scoring and easy if you know the shorts tricks and formulas of all the topic. So, it is important to know the basic concept of all the topic so you can apply the short tricks and solve the question with the new concept in lesser time while giving the quiz. It will help you to score more marks from this section in less time period. Quantitative Aptitude section basically measures your mathematical and calculation approach of solving the question. SSC Quiz Of quantitative Aptitude section helps you to analysis your preparation level for upcoming SSC examination. Mahendra Guru provides you Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern. So that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level, and other Competitive exams.

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Q1.) PQ is a direct common tangent on two circle of radius r1 and r2 which touches each other externally at point A. Find the length of PQ.

PQ त्रिज्या r1 और r2 वाले दो वृत्त पर एक उभयनिष्ट अनु स्पर्शरेखा है जो बिंदु A पर बाहरी रूप से एक दूसरे को स्पर्श करते है। PQ की लम्बाई ज्ञात कीजिये |

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Q2.) The sum of internal angles of a polygon is 2340o. So the number of sides in the polygon is:

किसी बहुभुज के अन्त: कोणों का योग 2340o हैं | तो बहुभुज में भुजाओं की संख्या है :

  1. 20
  2. 18
  3. 15
  4. 12
Q3.) PR is a tangent at the Q point of a circle having O center and 4 cm radius. Accordingly, if SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18POR = 90o, OR = 5 cm and OP = 20/3 cm, then what will be the length of PR in cm?

O केंद्र और 4 सेमी त्रिज्या वाले एक वृत्त के Q बिंदु पर PR एक स्पर्श रेखा है | तदनुसार यदि SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18POR = 90o, OR = 5 सेमी तथा OP = 20/3 सेमी हो , तो PR की लम्बाई कितने सेमी होगी?

  1. 20/3
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 25/3
Q.4)If SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 lies in the first quadrant and tan2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18, then find the value of sec2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18.

यदि SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 प्रथम चतुर्थांश में है और tan2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18, तो sec2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18का मान ज्ञात कीजिये |

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 3
Q5.) If x + y + z = 0, then find the value of SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 .
यदि x + y + z = 0, तो SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18का मान ज्ञात कीजिये |

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 3xyz
Q6.) By selling 33 article the loss incurred by the trader is equal to S.P of 11 article. Find loss or profit percentage?

33 वस्तुओ को बेचने पर हुई  हानि 11 वस्तुओ के विक्रय मूल्य के बराबर है. हानि प्रतिशत ज्ञात कीजिये ?

  1. 33.3%
  2. 20%
  3. 50%
  4. 25%
Q7.) Find the unit digit of SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 

SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18?

  1. 7               
  2. 3
  3. 9
  4. 1
Q8.) A radio seller gives a discount of 7 % on the M.R.P. if he sells at a discount of 9 % then he get 15 rupees less. Find the M.R.P of the radio?

एक रेडियो विक्रेता अंकित मूल्य पर 7 % बट्टा देता है यदि वह 9 % बट्टा दे , तो पहले से 15 रु कम मिलते है रेडियो का अंकित मूल्य क्या है ?

  1.  1040
  2.  750
  3. 161.20
  4. 1500
Q9.) If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. The tangents at A and C intersect each other at P. ifSSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18, then what is SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 is equal to?

अगर ABCD एकवृत्तीय चतुर्भुज है और उभयनिष्ठ A और C, P पर मिलते है यदि SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18,तो  SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18  का मान क्या होगा ?

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  4. SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
Q10.) A man from the top of a mountain sees that the angle of depression of two consecutive mile stones on a straight road on the base of a mountain is 30o and 60o, respectively. Find the height of the mountain.

एक पहाड़ के शीर्ष से एक आदमी देखता है कि पहाड़ के आधार पर स्थित एक सीधी सड़क पर दो क्रमागत मील के पत्थरों के अवनमन कोण क्रमश: 30o और 60o है | पहाड़ की ऊँचाई ज्ञात कीजिये |

  1.  SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
  2. SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
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  4. SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18


Q1.) (B)

PQ = SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 =2 SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q2.) (C)

SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q3.) (D)

SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q4.) (C)

tan2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = 3
SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = 60o
sec2SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = 4

Q5.) (A)

SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q6.) (D)

Required loss percentage = SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 = 25%

Q7.) (D)

Unit digit of SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q8.) (B)

Let the M.R.P be 100 %.
Required M.R.P = ( 9 – 7 ) % = 15
100 % = 750

Q9.) (B)

In SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 AP and PC are tangents of the circleSSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18
SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

Q10.) (B)

2 ratio – 1
SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18 ratio - SSC CHSL Quiz : Quantitative Aptitude | 24 - 02 - 18

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