1.FORTUITOUS (ADJECTIVE): happening by chance
Synonyms: random, fortunate
Antonyms: deliberate, intentional
Example Sentence:
The decrease in unemployment is not a fortuitous result.
2. COHORT (NOUN): a unit
Synonyms: companion, comrade
Antonyms: enemy, for
Example Sentence:
The country withdrew all his troops except one cohort.
3. RETROGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): passing from higher to lower
Synonyms: behind, astern
Antonyms: front, paid
Example Sentence:
This is now a retrogressive policy.
4. PRECIPITOUSLY (ADVERB): done without careful consideration
Synonyms: boldly, carelessly
Antonyms: cautiously, fearfully
Example Sentence:
The depressed areas contain the long, narrow, precipitously walled lakes of East Africa.
5. SHEER (ADJECTIVE): absolute
Synonyms: precipitate, arduous
Antonyms: indefinite, uncertain
Example Sentence:
All seemed to be clinging to the sheer walls.
6. PREVAIL (VERB): prove more powerful
Synonyms: abound, reign
Antonyms: forfeit, surrender
Example Sentence:
Which of these two laws will prevail?
7. PATENT (NOUN): copyright
Synonyms: limited, manifest
Antonyms: hidden, obscured
Example Sentence:
There is a need of patent for our products.
8. SURPASS (VERB): exceed
Synonyms: outpace, overstep
Antonyms: lose, fail
Example Sentence:
Their support can surpass any limit.
9. DERIVATIVE (NOUN): something which is based on another source
Synonyms: cognate, secondary
Antonyms: important, inventive
Example Sentence:
It is only in derivative words that this vagueness is avoided.
10. REGIMEN (NOUN): a prescribed course of medical treatment
Synonyms: control, menu
Antonyms: chaos, freedom
Example Sentence:
You should consider the regimen consulted to you.