1.BLEMISH (NOUN): flaw
Synonyms: bruise, blot
Antonyms: blank, clarity
Example Sentence:
Her wedding dress is free of the slightest blemish, which is why it cost James so much money.
2. SANCTIFY (VERB): hold in highest esteem
Synonyms: glorify, purify
Antonyms: condemn, degrade
Example Sentence:
The priests have to sanctify the holy water.
3. TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment
Synonyms: color, design
Antonyms: plainness, eyesore
Example Sentence:
His exuberant style is Venetian which he bestrews with tinsel and spangles.
4. REMISSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): well-founded
Synonyms: allowable, defensible
Antonyms: illegitimate, invalid
Example Sentence:
This is remissible to apply for the post of Bank PO.
Synonyms: appropriate, relevant
Antonyms: inapt, inapplicable
Example Sentence:
This dress is pretty much apposite for me.
6. PERNICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): destructive
Synonyms: injurious, unsafe
Antonyms: safe, harmless
Example Sentence:
Vimal’s approach is self-pernicious, she needs to improve a lot.
7. FEUD (NOUN): major argument
Synonyms: conflict, dispute
Antonyms: friendship, accord
Example Sentence:
The feud between the two sisters lasted for two hours.
8. COY (ADJECTIVE): bashful
Synonyms: skittish, timid
Antonyms: aggressive, forward
Example Sentence:
Shalini gave him a coy smile.
9. PERPETUATE (VERB): maintain
Synonyms: preserve, conserve
Antonyms: discontinue, cease
Example Sentence:
In order to perpetuate this system the method of amending the constitution was made extremely rigid.
10. DETRIMENT (NOUN): damage
Synonyms: harm, loss
Antonyms: profit, benefit
Example Sentence:
Smoking is a detriment to good health