In SSC examination the English section is completely based on the grammar rule so, you need to focus on the grammar part of English. Learn all the basic concepts and rules of grammar that will increase your marks in the examination. It was seen that there is a change in the pattern of an exam in English, in different exam some section are skipped while some section provides but the basic remains same so you need to practice more on grammar rules to cover all the aspects of English. It is the most scoring section with less time consuming so practice on daily basis. Mahendra Guru provides you English Language Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern. So, that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.
Mahendra Guru provides you with an SSC Quiz of English Language on daily basis to help you in your preparation for Govt job. You can clear your doubts before an exam. Mahendra Guru also provides you with an important note and study material for all subject and test through its website, Mahendra Guru App and YouTube channel apart from it Speed Test Portal. Most of these preparation products are also available for purchase at my shop. You can also visit Mahendras.org to get more information about our endeavor for your success. You can also study in details through our Emahendras Facebook and Mahendra Guru YouTube channel of English.
In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer-Sheet.
Q.1 Be in the public eye
Q.1 Be in the public eye
a) to be criticized
b) be famous
c) being possible
d) to be accepted by all
Q.2 Leave the door open
a) let somebody escape
b) crates an opportunity
c) provide for a possibility that something might happen
d) to flee
Q.3 Paddle one's own canoe
a) to have no result
b) to emphasize
c) to have a result
d) to do something by oneself
Q.4 Fool's paradise
a) being foolish
b) act unknowingly
c) being happy for foolish or unfounded reasons
d) to do silly things
Q.5 Against the clock
a) rushed and short on time
b) to work hard
c) to work day and night
d) to delay a task
Q.6 Actions speak louder than words
a) only speak and do nothing
b) It is better to actually do something than just talk about it
c) do something secretly
d) to do something and let it be known to
Q.7 Bag of bones
a) a troublesome person
b) a person who is interested in gossip
c) an extremely thin person
d) someone who is ill
Q.8 To be in somebody's shoes
a) to take up a new responsibility
b) to take revenge
c) to be a good friend of someone
d) to be in the situation that another person is in
Q.9 A barrel of laughs
a) be enjoyable or entertaining
b) to be a part of humour
c) to tease someone
d) a humorous person
Q.10 Bite off more than one can chew
a) to eat greedily
b) to take on more responsibility than you can manage
c) to spend lavishly
d) to gather money by unfair means