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SSC CHSL Quiz : General Studies | 02 - 03 -18

Mahendra Guru
SSC CHSL Quiz : General Studies | 25 - 02 -18
General Studies can be one of most scoring and marks gaining section in the SSC exam. This section doesn’t require any calculations and is thus the least time-consuming section, unlike other section. You can attempt this section very quickly and accurately. General Studies basically judge your basic general knowledge and how you are getting yourself updated time to time. It plays a vital role and benefits you to achieving the score required to cross the total cut off marks. Mahendra Guru providing you with an important General Studies quiz for SSC exam, it will help you to score if you regularly follow the contents of our website. 

We also provide you General Studies Quiz for SSC examination based on the latest pattern.So, that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.

Q1 Where is the Tibetan refugee in Chhattisgarh?

A. Mainpat

B. Samripat

C. Narayanpur

D. Bacheli

Q1 छतीसगढ़ में तिब्बती शरणार्थी कहाँ बसे है?

A. मैनपाट

B. सामरीपाट

C. नारायणपुर

D. बचेली

Q2 Who do Mandri dance?

A. Bhatra

B. Muriya

C. Uraon

D. Kamar

Q2 “मांदरी” नृत्य कौन करते हैं?

A. भतरा

B. मुरिया

C. उरांव

D. कमार

Q3 Who was the director of the first Chhattisgarhi movie Kehi Debe Sandash?

A. Satish Jain

B. Manu Nayak

C. Devi Lal

D. Ramadhar

Q3 प्रथम छतीसगढ़ी फिल्म “कहि देबे संदेश” के निर्देशक कौन थे?

A. सतीश जैन

B. मनु नायक

C. देवीलाल

D. रामाधार

Q4 Which Chhattisgarhi love song is?

A. Dadriya

B. Phag

C. Bhojli

D. Sohar

Q4 छतीसगढ़ी प्रणय गीत कौन सा है?

A. ददरिया

B. फाग

C. भोजली

D. सोहर

Q5 Which river will be built on Suspension Bridge in Chhattisgarh?

A. Shivnath

B. Mahanadi

C. Jonk River

D. Arba River

Q5 छत्तीसगढ़ में किस नदी पर “सस्पेंशन ब्रिज” बनाया जाएगा?

A. शिवनाथ

B. महानदी

C. जोंक नदी

D. अरबा नदी

Q6 Which state has the highest literacy rate of women?

A. Rajasthan

B. Kerala

C. Chhattisgarh

D. Haryana

Q6 महिलाओं की साक्षरता दर सबसे अधिक किस राज्य में है?

A. राजस्थान

B. केरल

C. छत्तीसगढ़

D. हरियाणा

Q7 Where is Toda tribe found?

A. Tamil Nadu

B. Chhattisgarh

C. Kerala

D. Jharkhand

Q7 टोडा जनजाति कहाँ पायी जाती है?

A. तमिलनाडू

B. छत्तीसगढ़

C. केरल

D. झारखण्ड

Q8 Hiuen sang visited Chhattisgarh during which ruler?

A. Harsh Gupta

B. Mahashiv Gupta

C. Mahasiva

D. Gupta

Q8 हेव्न्सांग ने किस शासक के समय छत्तीसगढ़ की यात्रा की थी?

A. हर्षगुप्त

B. महाशिवगुप्त

C. महाशिव

D. गुप्त

Q9 Where are the Mahapashan era residues found in Chhattisgarh?

A. Dhanaura

B. Ramgarh

C. Singhanpur

D. Teras

Q9 छत्तीसगढ़ में महापाषान युगीन अवशेष कहाँ से मिले हैं?

A. धनौरा

B. रामगढ़

C. सिंघनपुर

D. टेरस

Q10 What is the order of the Chhattisgarh High Court according to the establishment year?

A. 17th

B. 18th

C. 19th

D. 20th

Q10 स्थापना वर्ष के अनुसार छत्तीसगढ़ उच्च न्यायालय; का क्रम क्या है?

A. 17वीं

B. 18वीं

C. 19वीं

D. 20वीं


Q.1 (A)

Q.2 (B)

Q.3 (B)

Q.4 (A)

Q.5 (B)

Q.6 (B)

Q.7 (A)

Q.8 (B)

Q.9 (A)

Q.10 (C)

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