1. MENACE (NOUN): danger
Synonyms: threat, hazard
Antonyms: safety, comfort
Example Sentence:
Terrorism is a potential menace to the integrity of the country.
2. INANE (ADJECTIVE): stupid
Synonyms: absurd, asinine
Antonyms: bright, intelligent
Example Sentence:
He always had an inane grin.
Synonyms: up-to-date, sleek
Antonyms: coarse, rough
Example Sentence:
In the current scenario, streamlined business methods are the best methods.
Synonyms: invigorate, rejuvenate
Antonyms: kill, desiccate
Example Sentence:
When my father was on the ventilator, the doctor was unable to resuscitate him.
5. SCOURGE (NOUN): plague
Synonyms: curse, bane
Antonyms: boon, blessing
Example Sentence:
Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society.
6. UPBRAID (verb): admonish
Synonyms: chide, castigate
Antonyms: laud, praise
Example Sentence:
Daniel upbraided him.
7. PITHY (ADJECTIVE): concise and full of meaning
Synonyms: aphoristic, apothegmatic
Antonyms: pleonastic, redundant
Example Sentence:
The essays created by Pratik sir are pithy and profound in their meaning.
8. PERPETUAL (ADJECTIVE): everlasting
Synonyms: ceaseless, continual
Antonyms: intermittent, periodic
Example Sentence:
Neither joys nor sorrows are perpetual in life.
9. GAINSAY (VERB): deny
Synonyms: contradict, combat
Antonyms: accept, acknowledge
Example Sentence:
Nobody can gainsay the truth of my statement.
Synonyms: affable, sociable
Antonyms: unfriendly, cold
Example Sentence:
My brother faiz is a very gregarious boy.