Quantitative Aptitude quiz is basically to test your mathematical calculation and approach. It is to find out how fast you can solve a given question with the right methodology of solving the problem. If you know the formulas and short tricks of some important topic in Maths, you will definitely score good marks. So, it is important to know the basic concept of all the topic so you can apply the short tricks and solve the question with a new concept in lesser time while giving the quiz. Quantitative Aptitude Quiz helps to evaluate your preparation for banking exam so you can improve your preparation level. Mahendra Guru provides you Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Bank examination based on the latest pattern. So that you can practice on regular basis. It will definitely help you to score good marks in the exam. It is the most important section for all the govt exam like IBPS PO/ Clerk/SO/RRB, RBI, SBI, Insurance, SSC-MTS, CGL, CHSL, State Level and other Competitive exams.
Mahendra Guru provides you a Bank Quiz of Quantitative Aptitude on daily basis to help you in your preparation for Govt job. You can clear your doubts before an exam. Mahendra Guru also provides you an important note and study material for all subject and test through its website, Mahendra Guru App and YouTube channel apart from it Speed Test Portal. Most of these preparation products are also available for purchase on my shop. You can also visit Mahendras.org to get more information about our endeavour for your success. You can also study in details through our E-Mahendras Facebook and Mahendra Guru YouTube channel.
Q-(1-4) What value will come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह (?) के स्थान पर क्या मान आयेगा?
(1) 5184
(2) 4328
(3) 3296
(4) 4774
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
(1) 277.25
(2) 218.76
(3) 245.06
(4) 240.53
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
(1) 8100
(2) 9800
(3) 9500
(4) 8700
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-4 4265 × 265 - 12840 = ? + 6420
(1) 1080855
(2) 1080885
(3) 1110995
(4) 1110965
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-(5-7) In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
निम्नलिखित संख्या श्रृंखला में एक संख्या गलत है। गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये।
Q-5 23 210 1296 6504 26036
(1) 210
(2) 23
(3) 6504
(4) 1296
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-6 4912 4098 3372 2740 2192
(1) 4098
(2) 2192
(3) 4912
(4) 3372
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-7 7895 8672 8006 8564 8117 8450
(1) 8450
(2) 8117
(3) 7895
(4) 8672
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-8 What would be the compound interest accrued on an amount of Rs.24000 at the rate of 20% per annum at the end of 3 years?
24000 रूपये की राशि पर 20% प्र.व. की दर से 3 वर्ष के अंत में उपचयित चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज कितना होगा?
(1) 17472
(2) 18513
(3) 17612
(4) 15981
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-9 P is thrice more as good as a workman Q. They together can do a job in 16 days, In how many days will Q finish the work?
P, Q की तुलना में तिगुना अधिक कार्यकुशल है। दोनों मिलकर 16 दिनों में कार्य कर सकते हैं। कितने दिनों में Q अकेला कार्य समाप्त करेगा?
(1) 32 days/दिन
(2) 40 days/दिन
(3) 60 days/दिन
(4) 64 days/दिन
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-10 A wheel of radius 1.4 m. of a vehicle makes 40 revolutions in 1 min. What is the speed of the vehicle?
एक वाहन में 1.4 मी. त्रिज्या वाला एक पहिया एक मिनट में 40 चक्कर पूरा करता है तो वाहन की चाल क्या है?
(1) 22.7 Km/h / किमी/घं
(2) 22.4 Km/h / किमी/घं
(3) 21.12 Km/h / किमी/घं
(4) 19.6 Km/h / किमी/घं
(5) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q1. Sol-(2) 79 × 142 - 2401 - 4489 = ?
11218 - 6890 = ?
? = 4328
Q2. Sol-(5) ? = 280.04
Q3. Sol-(3)
Q4. Sol-(4) 1130225 - 12840 - 6420 = ?
? = 1110965
Q4. Sol-(4) 1130225 - 12840 - 6420 = ?
? = 1110965
Q5. Sol-(3) ×7+72,×6+62,×5+52,×4+42
Q6. Sol-(1) (17)3 -1,(16)3 -2,(15)3 -3,(14)3 -4,(13)3 -5
Q7. Sol-(5) +777,-666,+555,-444,+333
Q8. Sol-(1)
Q9. Sol-(4) P is thrice as good as Q.
(P+Q) = 3Q + Q= 4Q
4Q complete job in 16 days
Q will complete the job in 4 × 16 =64 days
(P+Q) = 3Q + Q= 4Q
4Q complete job in 16 days
Q will complete the job in 4 × 16 =64 days
dh rqyuk esa rhu xquk csgrj gSA
(P+Q) = 3Q + Q= 4Q
4Q dk;Z 16 fnuksa esa djrk gSA
Q dk;Z dks iwjk djsxk 4 × 16 =64 fnu
(P+Q) = 3Q + Q= 4Q
4Q dk;Z 16 fnuksa esa djrk gSA
Q dk;Z dks iwjk djsxk 4 × 16 =64 fnu
Q10. Sol-(3)