1. SUPERCILIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (घमंडी) bossy
Synonyms: cocky, haughty
Antonyms: humble, modest
Example Sentence:
He has supercilious attitude.
2. STILT (NOUN): (आधार) footing
Synonyms: flotation, base
Antonyms: stop, opposition
Example Sentence:
The iron rods provide basic stilt to the building.
3. SQUAT (ADJECTIVE): (चौड़ा) broad
Synonyms: splay, chunky
Antonyms: small, thin
Example Sentence:
It was a squat room.
4. FLOP (VERB): (गिर पड़ना) Slump
Synonyms: fall, drop
Antonyms: succeed, achieve
Example Sentence:
She flopped, exhausted, on to the sofa.
5. SMUG (ADJECTIVE): (आत्मसंतुष्ट) pleased with oneself
Synonyms: complacent, pompous
Antonyms: unsure, unhappy with oneself
Example Sentence:
He is utterly a smug person.
6. DYSPEPTIC (ADJECTIVE): (चिड़चिड़ा) irritable
Synonyms: crabby, grouchy
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Example sentence:
I dislike dyspeptic people around.
7. PLATITUDE (NOUN): (साधारण बात) truism
Synonyms: banality, cliché
Antonyms: coinage, original saying
Example sentence:
Your platitude is meaningless and does nothing for my anger.
8. DEBACLE (NOUN): (पराजय) breakdown
Synonyms: collapse, drubbing
Antonyms: attainment, creation
Example sentence:
That moment was a time of debacle for me.
9. RESILIENCE (NOUN): (लचीलापन) flexibility
Synonyms: elasticity, pliancy
Antonyms: obduracy, rigidity
Example Sentence:
In spite of the violence in the country, industry there has shown a remarkable resilience.
10. CIRCUMSCRIBE (VERB): (प्रतिबंध लगाना) to form or mark the limits of
Synonyms: confine, define
Antonyms: free, release
Example Sentence:
The hedge circumscribes the property.