1. VICISSITUDES (NOUN): (उलटफेर) Change
Synonyms: fluctuation, permutation
Antonyms: similarity, stability
Example Sentence:
The vicissitudes of life produced the strongest contrasts of fortune.
2. OBSTREPEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचंड) Noisy and difficult to control
Synonyms: blusterous, boisterous
Antonyms: moderate, calm
Example Sentence:
The class teacher ejected the obstreperous student out of the class.
3. STAID (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर) Serious
Synonyms: steady, conventional
Antonyms: frivolous, funny
Example Sentence:
He is a staid professor.
4. GOB (NOUN): (भीड़) Multitude
Synonyms: abundance, fullness
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
All bakery products are found in gob at this outlet.
5. REVEL (NOUN): (उत्सव) Carousal
Synonyms: gaiety, gala
Antonyms: gloom, despair
Example Sentence: They all had a huge nocturnal revel out there.
6. HARVEST (VERB): (संग्रह करना) Accumulate
Synonyms: amass, collect
Antonyms: approval, sanction
Example Sentence:
This year she had been afraid to harvest because of the dogs.
7. BOUNTIFUL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचुर/ बहुल) Abundant
Synonyms: ample, lavish
Antonyms: meagre, scarce
Example Sentence:
This building has bountiful rooms.
8.IMPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अनिवार्य) Compulsory
Synonyms: essential, crucial
Antonyms: inessential, unimportant
Example Sentence:
Vaccination and Polio drops are both imperative measures towards nurturing a healthy child.
9. CONSTITUTE (VERB): (गठित करना) Create
Synonyms: establish, compose
Antonyms: destroy, disperse
Example Sentence:
The law constituted new mandate.
10. BAN (NOUN): (प्रतिबंध) Prohibition
Synonyms: censorship, embargo
Antonyms: approval, sanction
Example Sentence:
Anil puts a ban on eating meat in his house.