As IBPS has released the official notification of the Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held in October / November 2018. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the IBPS PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS PO 2018 exam.
Q-(1-3) Read the following graph and table carefully and answer the questions given below.
Percent of employees working in night shift from different industries in a city.
Total number of employees = 65000 = 100%
Percent of women
Call Centre
Chemical Industry
Q.1 In which two industries the number of working women is equal?
किन दो उद्योगों में कार्यरत् महिलाओं की संख्या समान है?
- Sales and Banking
- IT and Chemical
- IT and Sales
- Call Centre and Sales
- None of these
Q.2 what is the respective ratio between the number of males working in Sales and Chemical industries?
सेल्स और केमिकल इण्डस्ट्रीज में कार्यरत् पुरूषों की संख्या के बीच क्रमशः क्या अनुपात है?
- 4 : 17
- 3 : 8
- 5 : 13
- 9 : 13
- None of these
Q.3 The number of working females in Gaming is approximately what percent more than number of working females in IT?
गेमिंग में कार्यरत् महिलाओं की संख्या आई.टी. में कार्यरत् महिलाओं की संख्या से कितने प्रतिशत अधिक है?
- 50
- 52
- 48
- 54
- None of these
Q-(4-6) Read the following information carefully and answer the following question
The following graph shows the distribution of workers of different religions in two sectors, (Government and Private)
Q.4 If there are 18000 workers in each sector , then how many workers of religion A in Private sector are more than those in Government sector?
यदि प्रत्येक क्षेत्र में 18000 लोग कार्य करते हैं , तो निजी क्षेत्र में धर्म A के कार्य करने वाले लोग इसी धर्म के सरकारी कार्य करने वाले लोगो से कितने अधिक हैं ?
- 225
- 250
- 360
- 500
- 1000
Q.5 If the total number of workers of religion B in Government sector is 2700, then how many workers of religion D are in Private sector
यदि सरकारी क्षेत्र में धर्म B के 2700 मजदूर हैं तो निजी क्षेत्र में धर्म D के कितने मजदूर होंगे
- 2200
- 2100
- 2300
- 2400
- Cannot be determine
Q.6 The ratio between the number of workers of government sector and that of private sector is 5 : 3 and the total number of religion C workers in Government sector is 1840. Find the number of religion A workers in private sector?
सरकारी क्षेत्र में और निजी क्षेत्र में कार्य करने वाले मजदूरो का अनुपात 5 : 3 हैं और सरकारी क्षेत्र में धर्म C के मजदूर की संख्या 1840 हैं | निजी क्षेत्र में धर्म A वाले मजदूरों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये ?
- 2542
- 2402
- 2397
- 2208
- 2109
Q.7 An auditorium, whose length is 18 m. and breadth is twice its height, takes 180 m. of paper with 2 m. width to cover its four walls. How much will it cost to paint it at ceiling at a rate of Rs.55 per square metre?
एक ऑडिटोरियम, जिसकी लम्बाई 18 मी. है और इसकी चौड़ाई इसकी ऊंचाई का दोगुना है, की चारों दीवारों को ढकने के लिए 180 मी. कागज जोकि 2 मी. चौड़ा है की आवश्यकता होती है | छत को 55 रु. प्रति मीटर की दर से पेंट करने में कितनी लागत आएगी ?
- Rs.12340
- Rs.11880
- Rs.10800
- Rs.12600
- None of these
Q.8 The average expenditure of P, Q and R is Rs.18000 per month and that of Q, R and S is Rs.24000 per month. If the expenditure of S is thrice that of P, then the average expenditure of Q and R is
P, Q और R का औसत मासिक व्यय 18000 रु. प्रति माह है और Q, R और S का औसत मासिक व्यय 24000 रु. प्रति माह है | यदि S का व्यय P के व्यय का तीन गुना है, तो Q और R का औसत व्यय है
- Rs.20500
- Rs.24500
- Rs.22500
- Rs.26000
- None of these
Q.9 The simple interest accrued on a certain sum is Rs.40761 in 9 years at the rate of 7 p.c.p.a. What would be the compound interest accrued on that sum at the rate of 5 p.c.p.a. in 2 years?
एक निश्चित धनराशि पर 9 वर्ष में 7 प्रतिशत वार्षिक ब्याज की दर से साधारण ब्याज 40761 रु. है | उसी धनराशि पर 2 वर्ष में 5% वार्षिक ब्याज की दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज क्या होगा ?
- Rs.7631.75
- Rs.6613.75
- Rs.6631.75
- Rs.6630.75
- Rs.6836.75
Q.10 B alone would take 8 hrs more to complete the job than when B and A worked. If A worked alone, she would take
more to complete the job than when B and A worked. What time would they take if both B and A worked together?
B अकेले B और A दोनों के द्वारा लिए गए समय से 8 दिन अधिक लेता है | यदि A अकेले कार्य करता है, वह B और A दोनों के द्वारा लिए गए समय से
दिन अधिक लेता है | वे कितन समय लेंगें यदि दोनों मिलकर एकसाथ कार्य करते हैं ?
- 5 days
- 4 days
- 3 days
- 6 days
- None of these
Answer Key-
Q1. (2)
IT and Chemical
Q2. (1)
Ratio = 2080 : 8840 = 4:17
Q3. (1)
Percent increase = 
Q4. (4)
Q5. (5)
Cannot be determined.
Q6. (4)
Worker in Government sector =
Worker in private sector = 
Worker of religion A in private Sector = 
Q7. (2)
Area of the four walls = 180 × 2
2 (18 + 2x) × x = 360
(18 + 2x) × x = 180
18x + 2x2 = 180
x2 + 9x - 90 = 0
x2 + 15x - 6x - 90 = 0
x(x + 15) - 6(x + 15) = 0
x = 6, -15
Height of the auditorium = 6 m.
Breadth of the auditorium = 12 m.
Cost of painting of the ceiling = 18 × 12 × 55 = Rs.11880
Q8. (3)
P + Q + R = 18000 × 3 = 54000 ........(i)
Q + R + S = 24000 × 3 = 72000 ........(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get
S - P = 18000
S = 3P (Given)
2P = 18000
P = 9000
From (i), we get
Q + R = 54000 - 9000 = 45000
Q9. (3)
P = 
Q10. (4)
Let B and A working together can finish a job in x days.
Then, in 1 day they will complete
= 1/x
B working alone do it in 1 day = 
A working alone do it in 1 day = 
According to the question,
x = 6 days