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English Language Quiz For Canara Bank PO | 30- 11 - 18

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For Canara Bank PO | 30- 11 - 18
Dear Aspirants,

As Canara Bank has released the notification for the Recruitment Of Probationary Officers In Junior Management Grade Scale-I On successful completion of specially designed Post Graduate Diploma In Banking and Finance (PGDBF) Course and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held December 2018. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the Canara Bank PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for Canara Bank PO 2018 exam.

Q1-5. Which of the Phrases (1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer. 

Q1. In a normal election, we could have allowed us to view the US presidential campaign much as we view television entertainment. 

1. could has allowed ourselves to 

2. could have allow ourselves to 

3. could have allowed ourselves to 

4. could have allowed themselves to 

5. No Correction Required 

Q2. The Jammu and Kashmir government should revoke the ban, the District Magistrate of Srinagar has imposed on one newspaper, Kashmir Reader, to the ground that its contents stirs public unrest. 

1. upon the ground that its contents stirred 

2. on the ground that its contents stir 

3. on the ground that their contents stirred 

4. from the ground that its contents stirs 

5. No Correction Required 

Q3. India has acted right by carrying out surgical strikes on seven sites some three kilometres in Pak-Occupied Kashmir and destroying nests of terrorists. 

1. three kilometre into Pak-Occupied Kashmir 

2. three kilometres inside Pak-Occupied Kashmir 

3. three kilometres inside Pak-Occupy Kashmir 

4. three kilometres interior on Pak-Occupied Kashmir 

5. No Correction Required 

Q4. If you need more support against the pressures to eat meat, you could list the reason why you shouldn’t eat meat, and compare them to the reasons in favour of eating meat. 

1. list the reason you shouldn’t eat meat as to why 

2. list the reason why one should not eat meat 

3. list the reasons of which you shouldn’t eat meat 

4. list the reasons why you shouldn’t eat meat 

5. No Improvement 

Q5. Industry needs to be proactive in treating and reusing waste water rather than drilling deep into the earth to extract it. 

1. than drilling deeper in the earth to 

2. then drilling deeper into the earth for 

3. than drilling deeper into the earth to 

4. than drilling deep into the earth to 

5. No Correction Required 

Q6-10. In each sentence below four words have been printed in bold which are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these words may be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate word. The number of that word is the answer. If all the words are correctly spelt and are appropriate the answer is (5) i.e. "All correct". 

Q6. Food is a requisite for human survive and well-being and a fundamental human necessity. All correct 

1. requisite 

2. survive 

3. fundamental 

4. necessity 

5. All correct 

Q7. Having water and shade ,the area, offers the animals a good hiding place for a staylth attack on its prey. All correct 

1. having 

2. hiding 

3. staylth 

4. prey 

5. All correct 

Q8. The recent rise in water pollution is attributed to immersion of idles made of Plaster of Paris and chemical paints. All correct 

1. attributed 

2. immersion 

3. idles 

4. chemical 

5. All correct 

Q9. With greater awareness about the benefits of washing hand with soap before eating, immeunity in children has improved. All correct 

1. awareness 

2. washing 

3. before 

4. immeunity 

5. All correct 

Q10. The magiciQ. will visit hospitals and old-age homes to entertain patients and inmates who otherwise cannot witness the live shows. All correct 

1. entertain 

2. inmates 

3. witness 

4. live 

5. All correct 


Q1. (3) 

Q2. (2) 

Q3. (2) 

Q4. (4) 

Q5. (3) 

Q6. (2) ‘Survival’ should be used. 

Q7. (3) ‘Stealth’ is the correct spelling which means ‘secret’ 

Q8. (3) ‘Idols’ should be used which means ‘statues’ 

Q9. (4) ‘Immunity’ is the correct spelling. 

Q10. (5) All correct

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