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English Language For IBPS Clerk Mains | 27- 12 - 18

Mahendra Guru
English Language For IBPS Clerk Mains | 27- 12 - 18
Dear Aspirants,

As IBPS has released the official notification of the Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Clerical cadre Posts and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held December 2018 & January 2019. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the IBPS Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily. 
Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for IBPS Clerk 2018 exam.

Q.1-5. Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B),(C), (D) (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. 

A. Will create a lasting impact on their impressionable minds. 

B. Children are like blooming buds which need to be nurtured. 

C. Labeling children as ‘dull’ on the basis of their marks 

D. Schools should become centers of holistic learning 

E. Parents should identify and nurture the unique talents of their wards 

F. Sadly comparison affects their physical, mental and emotional well-being 

Q.1. Which of the following would be the First sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) B                       (2) F                       (3) C                    (4) E                      (5) D 

Q.2. Which of the following would be the Second sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) F                        (2) B                       (3) A                    (4) D                     (5) E 

Q.3. Which of the following would be the Third sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) C                       (2) B                       (3) E                    (4) D                     (5) F 

Q.4. Which of the following would be the Fifth sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) E                       (2) F                       (3) A                    (4) C                      (5) B 

Q.5. Which of the following would be the Sixth sentence after rearrangement? 

(1) A                       (2) D                      (3) E                    (4) F                      (5) C 

Q.6-10.Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 

Q.6. His team (1)/ has yet not (2)/ revealed its (3)/ future strategy(4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.7. The maintenance (1)/ staff tried to (2)/ douse the flames (3)/ but failed (4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.8. The weather office have (1)/ forecast moderate to heavy (2)/ rains in parts of the valley (3)/ over the next two days (4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.9. Life guards rushed (1)/ to his rescue (2)/ and shifted him (3)/ into a local hospital(4)/ No Error (5) 

Q.10. He is (1)/ survived by (2)/ his wife (3)/ or three sons (4)/ No Error (5) 


Q1-5. The arrangement is BFEDCA 






Q.6.(2) ‘Yet’ should come after ‘not’ 


Q.8.(1) ‘has’ should replace ‘ have’- the subject is singular. 

Q.9.(4) ‘To’ should replace ‘into’- with’ shift’ preposition ‘to’ is used. 

Q.10.(4) ‘And’ should replace ‘or’.

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