As Canara Bank has released the notification for the Recruitment Of Probationary Officers In Junior Management Grade Scale-I On successful completion of specially designed Post Graduate Diploma In Banking and Finance (PGDBF) Course and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held December 2018. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the Canara Bank PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for Canara Bank PO 2018 exam.
(1) 300 gm sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution?
300 ग्राम के चीनी के विलयन में 40% चीनी है। इसमें कितनी चीनी मिलायी जाये ताकि विलयन में चीनी 50% हो जाए ?
(1) 25 gm
(2) 45 gm
(3) 40gm
(4) 60 gm
(5) 50 gm
(2) Shyam can row against the stream in 9 hrs and comes back to the starting point in 6 hrs. If the speed of stream is 2.4 Km/hr. Find the speed of the boat in still water?
श्याम धारा के विरुद्ध किसी दूरी को 9 घंटे में पार करता है तथा वापस निर्धारित स्थान पर वापस आने में 6 घंटे लेता है। धारा की चाल 2.4 किमी/घंटा है। शांत जल में नाव की चाल ज्ञात कीजिये?
(1) 12 Km/hr
(2) 16 Km/hr
(3) 18 Km/hr
(4) 10 Km/hr
(5) 8 Km/hr
(3) A shopkeeper gave 5 T-shirt free on the purchase of 20 T-shirts on cash and 3 T-shirts free on purchase of 27 T-shirt, if they are purchase on credit. Find the difference in discount percent in both the cases?
एक दुकानदार 5 टी शर्ट मुफ्त देता है यदि 20 टी शर्ट नकद देकर खरीदी जाये और 3 टी शर्ट मुफ्त देता है यदि 27 टी शर्ट उधार पर खरीदी जाये, छूट प्रतिशत का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिये?
(1) 8%
(2) 5%
(5) 10%
Q-(4-8) In each of the following question, equations are given. You have to solve them and state the correct relationship-
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में समीकरण दिये गये है, दिये गये समीकरणों को हल कीजिए और सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कीजिये-
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P<Q
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P<Q
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(6) I. P2 – 6P – 16 = 0
II. Q2 + 6Q – 16 = 0
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P<Q
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(7) I. P2 + 2P + 1 = 0
II. Q2 = 4
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P<Q
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(8) I. P2 = 36
II. Q2 = 49
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P<Q
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(9) A and B can do a piece of work in 15 days, B and C can do it in 18 days and C and A can do it in 24 days. B alone can do the work in how many days?
A और B किसी काम को 15 दिनों में कर सकता है। B और C उसी काम को 18 दिनों में और C और A उसी काम को 24 दिनों में कर सकते है। तो B अकेले उस कार्य को कितने दिनों में करेगा?
- 26 days
- None of these
(10) What is the minimum amount of cardboard required to make a closed box of dimension 26 cm × 20 cm × 7 cm?
एक बन्द बाक्स जिसकी भुजाएं क्रमशः 26 सेमी × 20 सेमी × 7 सेमी है, को बनाने के लिए दफ्ती की न्यूनतम कितनी मात्रा की आवश्यकता होगी ?
(1) 4096 cm2
(2) 1684 cm2
(3) 1849 cm2
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
Q.5) Sol-(3)
P : Q = 72 : 77
Q > P
Q.6) Sol-(5)
I. P = +8, – 2
II. Q = – 8, +2
So, relation cannot be established.
I. P = – 1
II. Q = +2
So, relation cannot be established.
I. P = +6
II. Q = +7
So, relation cannot be established.
Area of required cardboard
= 2 [26 × 20 + 26 × 7 + 20 × 7]
= 2 (520+ 182 + 140)
= 2 × 842
= 1684 cm2