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The Hindu Vocabulary For IBPS Clerk | 03-12-18

Mahendra Guru

1. CLOUT (NOUN): influence:(प्रभुत्व)

Synonyms: power, dominance

Antonyms: powerlessness,

Example Sentence:

Ministers often use their clout to get what they want.

2. PRESTIGE (NOUN): fame:(ख्याति)

Synonyms: dignity, status

Antonyms: lowliness, insignificance

Example Sentence:

Doctors are usually treated with prestige.

3. BROACH (VERB): open up discussion:(चर्चा उठाना)

Synonyms: bring up, moot

Antonyms: take back, deny

Example Sentence: 

The parents of the boy did not even broach the issue of marriage with Renee.

4. DITHER (NOUN): upset:(बेचैनी)

Synonyms: tizzy, flap

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: 

I am in such a dither I forget to put the water in.

5. RENEGADE (ADJECTIVE): rebellious:(आवारा)

Synonyms: difficult, resistant

Antonyms: obedient, dutiful

Example Sentence: 

The renegade policeman revealed details of the murder.

6. GIMMICK (NOUN): trick:(चाल)

Synonyms: ruse, ploy

Antonyms: truth, honesty

Example Sentence: 

It's just a public relations gimmick.

7. WRANGLE (NOUN): fight:(लड़ाई)

Synonyms: argument, bickering

Antonyms: agreement, harmony

Example Sentence: 

Localities were the witnessed of the dirty wrangle of the two political leaders.

8. WINNOW (VERB): expel:(निकाल बाहर करना)

Synonyms: separate, terminate

Antonyms: include, hire

Example Sentence: 

Most of the faulty employees were winnowed out by these processes.

9. VIRILE (ADJECTIVE): potent:(पुरुषत्व)

Synonyms: powerful, energetic

Antonyms: weak, feeble

Example Sentence: 

He was a virile dancer who brought out the best in the modern Bollywood.

10. APPRAISE (VERB): judge:(मूल्यांकन करना)

Synonyms: estimate, evaluate

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

Example Sentence:

Many companies were prompted to appraise their recruitment policies.

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