1. DEMURE (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची) Reserved
Synonyms: Timid, Reticent
Antonyms: Bold, Brave
Example Sentence:
Swastika is too outgoing for anyone to ever accuse her of being demure.
2. DEFILE (VERB): (मैला कर देना) To make impure or dirty
Synonyms: Contaminate, Degrade
Antonyms: Cleanse, Upgrade
Example Sentence:
Everybody knows smoking weed defiles
one’s body.
3. SIEGE (VERB): (परेशान करना) Harass
Synonyms: Beset,
Antonyms: Aid, Assist
Example Sentence:
They was sieging other students over new stationery.
4. PERUSE (VERB): (अवलोकन करना) Examine
Synonyms: Scrutinize,
Antonyms: Ignore, Overlook
Example Sentence:
The case history was being perused by the FBI.
5. ANALYTICAL (ADJECTIVE): (विश्लेषणात्मक) Logical
Synonyms: Rational, Level
Antonyms: Careless,
Example Sentence:
Mathur’s approach is very analytical.
6. CRIMP (VERB): (सिकोड़ना) Fold
Synonyms: Crinkle, Wrinkle
Antonyms: Smooth, Straighten
Example Sentence:
Don’t crimp the pages of my
7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक) Terrible
Synonyms: Dreadful, Awful
Antonyms: Good, Mild
Example Sentence:
The situation of draught has become dire.
8. SURGE (NOUN): (वृद्धि) Growth
Synonyms: Deluge, Upsurge
Antonyms: decline, decrease
Example Sentence:
Sudden surge was seen in dollar in
the stock exchange.
9. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अति दुष्ट,कुटिल) Very Evil And
Synonyms: Sinful, Vicious
Antonyms: Kind, Pleasing
To call that new students names, was not only mean, but nefarious.
10. PLEBEIAN (NOUN): (सर्व साधारण) Not worthy of the
upper classes.
Synonyms: Mediocre, Ordinary
Antonyms: Extraordinary,
Example Sentence:
My spoiled cousins called the restaurant a plebeian place.