Dear Aspirants,
As IBPS has released the official notification of the Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Clerical cadre Posts and the exam is tentatively scheduled to be held December 2018 & January 2019. Looking at the notification, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of the IBPS Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Reasoning Ability for IBPS Clerk 2018 exam.
Q.1 -5. Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code
‘run very fast for’ is written as ‘#21i @19z @18v #15u’,
‘too run away proper’ is written as ‘@1d @5k #15g #21i’
‘too see for create’ is written as ‘#15g #5h #15u @2z’
’very good proper follow’ written as ‘@18v @15l @5k @15o’
दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने के लिए निम्न जानकारी का अध्ययन करें:
एक निश्चित कोड में
‘run very fast for’ को ‘#21i @19z @18v #15u’ लिखा जाता है,
‘too run away proper’ को ‘@1d @5k #15g #21i’ लिखा जाता है,
‘too see for create’ को ‘#15g #5h #15u @2z’ लिखा जाता है,
’very good proper follow’ को ‘@18v @15l @5k 15o’ लिखा जाता है
Q.1. What is the code for ‘see you’?
‘see you’ का कोड क्या है?
(1) @15b @5h
(2) #15u @5k
(3) @15l #5h
(4) #15b #5h
(5) #15g #5k
Q.2. Which of the following represents, ‘place good run away’?
निम्न में से कौन सा ‘place good run away’ को दर्शाता है?
(1) #21i @1d #3k @15l
(2) #3z @15l #21i @1d
(3) #3z @15u #21i @1d
(4) @15u #21z @1d #3z
(5) #21i @1d #3z @5h
Q.3. What is the code for ‘problem’?
‘problem’ के लिए कोड क्या है?
(1) @5h
(2) @5o
(3) #5z
(4) #5h
(5) #5o
Q.4. Which of the following may represent ‘Good too see away’?
निम्न में से कौन ‘Good too see away’ का प्रतिनिधित्व कर सकता है?
(1) #21i @1d #3k @15l
(2) #15g @15l #5h @1d
(3) #3z @15u #21i @1d
(4) @15u #21z @1d #3z
(5) #21i @1d #3z @5h
Q.5. What does ‘@5e’ represent in this code ?
इस कोड में '@5e' क्या दर्शाता है?
(1) Date
(2) Stay
(3) Solves
(4) Time
(5) Usual
Q.6. In certain code language IMPRUDENT is written as 9-4-7-9-3-4-5-5-2 and GARRULITY is written as 7-1-9-9-3-3-9-2-7 then how will MISTLETOE be written in that code language?
प्र.6.एक निश्चित कोड भाषा में IMPRUDENT को 9-4-7-9-3-4-5-5-2 लिखा जाता है और GARRULITY को 7-1-9-9-3-3-9-2-7 लिखा जाता है तो उस कोड भाषा में MISTLETOE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा?
(1) 13-9-19-2-12-5-2-15-5
(2) 4-1-1-2-3-5-2-5-5
(3) 4-9-1-2-3-5-2-6-5
(4) 4--1-2-3-5-2-5-5
(5) 4-9-1-2-3-5-2-5-4
Q.7. Deepak walks 5 km. towards south then he turns to the left and walks 5 km. Again he turns to the right and walks 3 km. Now in which direction is he walking?
(1) North-east
(2) South-west
(3) West
(4) South
(5) East
दीपक, दक्षिण की ओर 5 किलोमीटर चलता है फिर वह बाईं ओर मुड़ता है और 5 किमी चलता है। वह पुनः दाएं मुड़ता है और 3 किमी चलता है। अब वह किस दिशा में चल रहा है?
(1) उत्तर-पूर्व
(2) दक्षिण-पश्चिम
(3) पश्चिम
(4) दक्षिण
(5) पूर्व
Q.8-10. In the following questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statement. These statements are followed by two conclusions I and II. Find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer–
(1) If only conclusion I is true.
(2) If only conclusion II is true.
(3) If either conclusion I or II is true.
(4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
(5) If both conclusions I and II are true.
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में, कथन में विभिन्न तत्वों के बीच संबंध दर्शाया गया है।इन कथनों के बाद दो निष्कर्ष I और II दे दिये गये हैं। ज्ञात कीजिये कि दिये गये दो निष्कर्षों I और II में से कौन सा/से निश्चित रूप से सत्य है/हैं। उत्तर दीजिए-
(1) यदि केवल निष्कर्ष I सत्य है।
(2) यदि केवल निष्कर्ष II सत्य है।
(3) यदि या तो निष्कर्ष I या तो II सत्य है।
(4) यदि न तो निष्कर्ष I और न ही II सत्य है।
(5) यदि दोनों निष्कर्ष I और II सत्य हैं।
Q.8-10. Statements- A = D < B, G < K = X > J, R < G = D
कथऩः A = D < B, G < K = X > J, R < G = D
Q.8. Conclusions- I. B > D
II. D = X
निष्कर्षः I. B > D
II. D = X
Q.9. Conclusions- I. G > A
II. J < K
निष्कर्षः I. G > A
II. J < K
Q.10. Conclusions- I. R < X
II. A < X
निष्कर्षः I. R < X
II. A < X
Q.1. (4)
Q.2. (2)
Q.3. (5)
Q.4. (2)
Q.5. (3)
Q.6. (3)
Q.7. (4)
Q.6. (3)
Q.7. (4)

Q.8. (4) Conclusions-
I. B > D (False)
II. D = X (False)
प्र.8.(4) निष्कर्ष-
I. B > D (असत्य)
II. D = X (असत्य)
Q.9. (2) Conclusions-
I. G > A (False)
II. J < K (True)
प्र.9.(2) निष्कर्ष-
I. G > A (असत्य)
II. J < K (सत्य)
Q.10. (5) Conclusions-
I. R < X (True)
II. A < X (True)
प्र.10.(5) निष्कर्ष-
I. R < X (सत्य)
II. A < X (सत्य)