1. CONTENTION (NOUN): (विवाद) disputation
Synonyms: disagreement, dispute
Antonyms: retreat, reality
Example Sentence:
The captured territory was the main area of contention between the two countries.
2. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़े समय का) provisional
Synonyms: pro tem, caretaker
Antonyms: permanent, definite
Example Sentence:
He said that it was a provisional government.
3. EVASION (NOUN): (टालना) avoidance
Synonyms: evasiveness, obliqueness
Antonyms: directness, frankness
Example Sentence:
She is in the habit of making evasion from every situation.
4. PERSECUTE (VERB): (सताना) harass
Synonyms: torment, domineer Antonyms: comfort, console
Example Sentence:
The major kept on persecuting the soldiers.
5. LOOM (VERB): (धुंधला दिखाई देना) appear
Synonyms: emerge, portend
Antonyms: disappear, hide
Example Sentence:
Vehicles loomed out of the darkness.
6. RAVAGE (VERB): (नष्ट कर देना) destroy
Synonyms: ruin, devastate
Antonyms: restore, reconstruct
Example Sentence:
Anita ravaged all our weekend plans.
7. TRECHAREOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वासघाती) disloyal
Synonyms: faithless, unreliable
Antonyms: faithful, reliable
Example Sentence:
He is a treacherous junk-dealer.
8. SANGUINE (ADJECTIVE): (आशावादी) confident
Synonyms: hopeful, optimistic
Antonyms: pessimistic, depressed
Example Sentence:
He is a sanguine person in every adverse situation.
9. ORDAIN (VERB): (हुक्म देना) impose
Synonyms: order, proclaim
Antonyms: violate, revoke
Example Sentence:
Antariksh knows the ministry will never ordain him as a priest.
10.ARRAY (NOUN): (शृंखला समूह) batch
Synonyms: lot, cluster
Antonyms: one, individual
Example Sentence:
Several arrays of solar panels will help provide power.