1. RAMPAGE (NOUN): violence (हंगामा)
Synonyms: disturbance, frenzy
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:
Thugs went on the rampage and wrecked a shop.
2. FOUNT (NOUN): origin (स्रोत)
Synonyms: beginning, derivation
Antonyms: conclusion, end
Example Sentence:
I have listened to his theory of the fount of life.
3. TRANSGRESS (VERB): misbehave (अवलेहना करना)
Synonyms: disobey, offend
Antonyms: behave, obey
Example Sentence:
Everyone must ensure that water doesn’t drips away uselessly.
4. EXTRADITION (NOUN): deportation (प्रत्यावर्तन)
Synonyms: expulsion, banishment
Antonyms: welcoming, approval
Example Sentence:
They fought to prevent his extradition to the US.
5. CRESCENDO (NOUN): escalation (आरोह / स्वरोत्कर्ष)
Synonyms: upsurge, ascension
Antonyms: decline, nadir
Example Sentence:
The port engine's sound rose to a crescendo.
6. STYMIE (VERB): impede (बाधाएँ डालना)
Synonyms: hamper, hinder
Antonyms: support, assist
Example Sentence:
The changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments.
7. OPPRESS (VERB): subdue (दबाना)
Synonyms: torment, trample
Antonyms: encourage, aid
Example Sentence:
The tyrant general oppressed his people.
8. CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever (चतुर)
Synonyms: dexterous, adroit
Antonyms: foolish, idiotic
Example Sentence:
Vibhore is a canny person.
9. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): shy (शर्मीला)
Synonyms: timid, hesitant
Antonyms: confident, brave
Example Sentence:
Varun was a diffident child in such a large family.
10. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): secret (गुप्त)
Synonyms: arcane, esoteric
Antonyms: definite, obvious
Example Sentence:
When he spoke, his words were cryptic to all those in the room.