1. COVET (NOUN): desire strongly:(ललचाना)
Synonyms: lust after, long for
Antonyms: hate, dislike
Example Sentence:
I covet one of your smart watches.
2. RATIONALIZATION (NOUN): justification:(बुद्धिसंगत व्याख्या)
Synonyms: rationale, explanation
Antonyms: question, indictment
Example Sentence:
There is no possible justification for what she did.
3. POPULIST (ADJECTIVE): socialist:(जनवादी)
Synonyms: egalitarian, communist
Antonyms: conservative, fascist
Example Sentence:
He is very fond of populist tabloid newspapers.
4. COMPLIANCE (NOUN): the act of obeying rules:(अनुरूपता)
Synonyms: consent, assent
Antonyms: disagreement, refusal
Example Sentence:
Police officers should use their weapons sparingly and then only to obtain compliance from unruly suspects or inmates.
5. POSE (NOUN): give:(खड़ा कर देना)
Synonyms: present, suggest
Antonyms: refrain, withhold
Example Sentence:
Smoking does pose a significant health risk, and it is a wise choice not to do so.
6.PUNITIVE(ADJECTIVE): concerning punishment:(दंडात्मक)
Synonyms: retaliatory, vindictive
Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding
Example Sentence:
The U.S. has invoked a rare national security provision under domestic law to impose punitive tariffs on global steel.
7. DISSIPATE (VERB): squander:(अपव्यय करना)
Synonyms: waste, deplete
Antonyms: save, hoard
Example Sentence:
Our country cannot afford to dissipate the forest resources.
8.WITHERING(ADJECTIVE): destructive:(विध्वंसकारी)
Synonyms: annihilating, devastating
Antonyms: creative, developmental
Example Sentence:
We experienced a withering monsoon.
9.EXPUNGE (VERB): delete:(मिटाना)
Synonyms: destroy, obliterate
Antonyms: create, help
Example Sentence:
I shall request you to please expunge the sarcastic remark from the wall.
10. FOMENT (VERB): instigate:(भड़काना)
Synonyms: abet, arouse
Antonyms: finish, tranquilize
Example Sentence:
He fomented the innocent people.