1. FORETHOUGHT (NOUN): (पूर्व विचार): precaution
Synonyms: wariness, prudence
Antonyms: carelessness, carefree
Example Sentence:
Cooking dinner for vegetarians requires plenty of forethought if you usually prepare meat with your meals.
2. PREOCCUPY (VERB): (तल्लीन होना): engross
Synonyms: involve, employ
Antonyms: distract, eject
Example Sentence:
She was obsessed in the process.
3. BOOM (NOUN): (धमाका): loud sound
Synonyms: explosion, bang
Antonyms: failure, collapse
Example Sentence:
When the truth became known regarding the mines a wonderful " boom " began.
4. RAPT (ADJECTIVE): (हर्षोन्मत्त): delighted
Synonyms: ecstatic, enthralled
Antonyms: unhappy, sorrowful
Example Sentence:
She was a rapt person.
5. RELEGATE (VERB): (सुपुर्द करना): assign
Synonyms: consign, entrust
Antonyms: keep, hold
Example Sentence:
Sugandha would often relegate herself to doing chores in the kitchen while everyone else enjoyed the party.
6. IMBUE (VERB): (गहराई तक पहुंचना): inculcate
Synonyms: ingrain, instil
Antonyms: drain, take out
Example Sentence:
When cinnamon is added to the sweet potato batter, it will imbue the pie with a hint of spice.
7. HAGGLE (VERB): (बखेड़ा करना): bicker
Synonyms: barter, quibble
Antonyms: agree, concur
Example Sentence:
I’ll pay the sticker price because I do not want to haggle with the trader.
8. FRITTER (VERB): (गंवाना): waste away
Synonyms: misspend, dally
Antonyms: conserve, preserve
Example Sentence:
It is advised to not to fritter your money.
9. GRASP (NOUN): (समझ): understanding
Synonyms: awareness, knowledge
Antonyms: ignorance, avoidance
Example Sentence:
I like his grasp over the subject.
10. FLINCH (VERB): (विमुख होना): avoid
Synonyms: dodge, duck
Antonyms: face, confront
Example Sentence:
Don not try to flinch your duties.