1. INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवश्यक): binding
Synonyms: obligatory, mandatory
Antonyms: unnecessary, redundant
Example sentence:
The government realized that it was incumbent
on them to act.
2. REAFFIRM (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): acknowledge
Synonyms: advocate, assert
Antonyms: oppose, contradict
Example sentence:
Advocate Rajeev reaffirmed his
position as leader.
(ADJECTIVE): (कूटरचित): counterfeit
Synonyms: spurious, supposititious
Antonyms: actual, genuine
Example sentence:
This is the seat of an extensive manufacture
of forged antiques.
4. UNFAIR (ADJECTIVE): (अनुचित): prejudiced
Synonyms: biased, discriminatory
Antonyms: authorized, fair
Example sentence:
At times, the legal system appears inhuman
and unfair.
(ADVERB): (तत्पश्चात्): afterwards
Synonyms: finally, later
Antonyms: earlier, prior
Example sentence:
The officer decided to stop
and subsequently made an arrest.
6. CONVERGENCE (NOUN): (संमिलन): union
Synonyms: concurrence, confluence
Antonyms: disagreement, discord
Example sentence:
There was convergence of lines in
the distance.
(ADJECTIVE): (समवर्ती): simultaneous
Synonyms: coeval, coexisting
Antonyms: disagreeing, divergent
Example sentence:
There are seven concurrent art
fairs in the city.
(NOUN): (असुविधा): irritation
Synonyms: displeasure, hardship
Antonyms: comfort, delight
Example sentence:
Avikul complained of disconcert in
his left ear.
9. COALITION (NOUN): (गठबंधन): affiliation
Synonyms: alliance, amalgam
Antonyms: detachment, disunion
Example sentence:
There is a coalition between
Liberals and Conservatives.
10. UNTENABLE (NOUN): (असमर्थनीय): unjustified
Synonyms: indefensible, unsupportable
Antonyms: defensible, supportable
Example sentence:
Your argument is clearly untenable.