Dear Aspirants,
As IBPS has released the its official calendar of Online CWE for RRBs and PSBs examinations 2019, so its high time to start preparations for the coming year. Looking at the calendar, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of all the upcoming competitive exams and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for all banking exams.
Q1-5. What value will come in place of question mark (?) in following questions?
निम्नलिखित संख्या -श्रृंखला में प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह ( ?) के स्थान पर क्या मान आयेगा?
Q1. 10 42 58 66 70 ?
(1) 70
(2) 62
(3) 68
(4) 72
(5) 82
Q2. 5 10 31 76 153 ?
(1) 252
(2) 240
(3) 263
(4) 270
(5) 280
Q3. 15 20 45 140 565 ?
(1) 2530
(2) 2830
(3) 2920
(4) 2650
(5) 2360
Q4. 3 4 12 45 196 ?
(1) 1105
(2) 1010
(3) 1007
(4) 1005
(5) 1008
Q5. 1728 2744 4096 5832 8000 10648 ?
(1) 12167
(2) 13824
(3) 15625
(4) 9261
(5) 17576
Q6-10. In each of the following questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to solve them and state the correct relationship-
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में दो समीकरण (I) और (II) दिये गये है दोनों समीकरण हल कीजिए और सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कीजिए -
Q6. I. 8x2 + 12x - 8 = 0 II. 9y2 + 18y + 9 = 0
(1) x > y
(2) x > y
(3) x < y
(4) x < y
(5) x = y or the relationship can not be established.
Q7. I.
(1) x > y
(2) x > y
(3) x < y
(4) x < y
(5) x = y or the relationship can not be established.
Q8. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 25% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is-
एक तौलिया, जब ब्लीच की जाती है तो , अपनी लंबाई का 25% और चौड़ाई का 10% खो देती है। क्षेत्रफल में कितनी कमी आई ?
(1) 30%
(2) 32.5%
(3) 35%
(4) 37.5%
(5) 40%
Q9. A rectangular park 55 m long and 45 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2091 sq. m, then what is the width of the road?
एक आयताकार पार्क 55 मीटर लंबा और 45 मीटर चौड़ा है जिसके मध्य से जाने वाली दो पथरीली सड़कें एक दूसरे को काटती है और शेष पार्क को लॉन के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। यदि लॉन का क्षेत्रफल 2091 वर्ग मीटर है, तो सड़क की चौड़ाई क्या है?
(1) 2 m.
(2) 3 m.
(3) 4 m.
(4) 5 m.
(5) 6 m.
Q10. In an examination, the number of successful students was 4 times the number of unsuccessful students. If there were 35 less students and the number of unsuccessful students were 9 more, then the ratio of their number would have been 2 : 1. Find the total number of students.
एक परीक्षा में सफल छात्रों की संख्या, असफल छात्रों की संख्या की 4 गुनी थी। यदि 35 छात्र कम होते और असफल छात्रों की संख्या 9 अधिक होती तो इनकी संख्या में 2 : 1 का अनुपात होता। कुल छात्रों की संख्या क्या थी ?
(1) 120
(2) 124
(3) 135
(4) 145
(5) 155
Answer Key-
Q1. (4)
-32, - 16, - 8, - 4, - 2
Q2. (4)
Q3. (2)
15 × 1 + 5 = 20
20 × 2 + 5 = 45
45 × 3 + 5 = 140
140 × 4 + 5 = 565
565 × 5 + 5 = 2830
Q4. (4)
3 × 1 + 12 = 4
4 × 2 + 22 = 12
12 × 3 + 33 = 45
45 × 4 + 44 = 196
196 × 5 + 55 = 1005
Q5. (2)
12 × 12 × 1 =1728
14 × 14 × 14 = 2744
16 × 16 × 16 = 4096
18 × 18 × 18 = 5832
20 × 20 × 20 = 8000
And so on .....
? = 24 × 24 × 24 = 13824
Q6. (5)
x = +4 | - 4
y = 1 | -1
Q7. (5)
7y - 1 = 
7y = 14
y = 2
x +
= 2+ 
x = 2
Q8. (2)
Required % =
= 32.5%
Q9. (3)
Let the width of the road is x m.
According to the question-
Area of lawn = {55 x 45 – (55 x + 45 x – x2)}
2091 = 2475 – 100x – x2
x2 – 100 x – 384 = 0 => (x – 4) (x – 96) = 0
x = 4 because x cannot be equal to 96.
Q10. (5)
Let the number of unsuccessful student = x
Then number of successful student = 4x
So, total number of student = 5x
According to Question-
{(5 x – 35) – (x + 9)} : (x +9) = 2 : 1
x = 31
so, total number of student = 5 x = 5 x 31 = 155