1. EVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): deceptive (कपटपूर्ण)
Synonyms: misleading, cagey
Antonyms: truthful, forthright
Example Sentence:
The news anchor learned nothing from the politician’s evasive responses.
2. INNOCUOUS (ADJECTIVE): harmless (अहानिकर)
Synonyms: painless, inoffensive
Antonyms: harmful, hurtful
Example Sentence:
Avi asked an innocuous question.
3. DIAPASON (NOUN): range (सीमा)
Synonyms: spectrum, territory
Antonyms: restriction, limitation
Example Sentence:
The diapason represents the focal point of Information.
4. INURE (VERB): accustom (अभ्यस्त होना)
Synonyms: familiarize, habituate
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence:
Even the veteran detective could not inure himself to the sight of a murdered lady.
5. OVERT (ADJECTIVE): apparent (अपरोक्ष)
Synonyms: obvious, undisguised
Antonyms: concealed, hidden
Example Sentence:
The security guard easily noticed the shoplifter’s overt actions.
6. DERANGED (ADJECTIVE): crazy (विक्षिप्त)
Synonyms: maniacal, demented
Antonyms: balanced, reasonable
Example Sentence:
The deranged boy started shooting wildly into the mall.
7. JUNCTURE (NOUN): turning point (घड़ी/ उचित समय)
Synonyms: crossroad, moment
Antonyms: certainty, solution
Example Sentence:
No one can predict who will win the election at this juncture.
8. EGRESS (NOUN): passage out (निकास)
Synonyms: departure, exiting
Antonyms: arrival, coming
Example Sentence:
Each egress of our house is connected to the security system.
9. ABNEGATION (NOUN): denial (अस्वीकार)
Synonyms: abandonment, refusal
Antonyms: approval, sanction
Example Sentence:
Because everyone knew he loved serving the public, they were shocked by her abnegation of the seat.
10. MOLLIFY (VERB): pacify (शांत करना)
Synonyms: allay, appease
Antonyms: intensify, incite
Example Sentence:
Perhaps a warm glass of milk will mollify my upset stomach.