1. OBVIATE (VERB): make unnecessary (हटाना)
Synonyms: forestall, preclude
Antonyms: assist, help
Example Sentence:
The sound was too elusive.
2. ARROGATE (VERB): claim without justification (हथियाना)
Synonyms: pre-empt, expropriate
Antonyms: refuse, reject
Example Sentence:
They arrogate to themselves the ability to divine the nation's true interests.
3. WARM TO (VERB): begin to like (पसंद करना)
Synonyms: feel a fondness for, feel attracted to
Antonyms: to feel intense distaste and aversion, disgust
Example Sentence:
Everyone immediately warmed to him.
4. CONSTRAINT (NOUN): pressure (बाधा)
Synonyms: restraint, coercion
Antonyms: freedom, liberty
Example Sentence:
There was constraint in the correspondence—it was submitted to the faculty.
5. AFTERMATH (NOUN): outcome (परिणाम)
Synonyms: results, consequences
Antonyms: origin, source
Example Sentence:
Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.
6. DISPEL (VERB): dismiss (दूर करना)
Synonyms: eliminate, oust
Antonyms: allow, welcome
Example Sentence:
The brightness of the day did nothing to dispel her dejection.
7. HARROWING (ADJECTIVE): dangerous (शोकजनक)
Synonyms: nerve-racking, terrifying
Antonyms: calming, unfrightening
Example Sentence:
They watched a harrowing film about misogyny and violence.
8. RIG (VERB): manipulate (झाँसा)
Synonyms: influence, gerrymander
Antonyms: approve, purify
Example Sentence:
The results of the elections had been rigged.
9. SNARE (NOUN): bait (फंदा)
Synonyms: trap, gin
Antonyms: repulsion, frankness
Example Sentence:
He came upon a hare struggling in an illegal snare.
10. LIE IN (VERB): display public (प्रदर्शित करना)
Synonyms: manifest, demonstrate
Antonyms: distort, misrepresent
Example Sentence:
Their shameful silence demonstrates their ineptitude.