1. LET DOWN (VERB): disappoint (निराश करना)
Synonyms: abandon, leave stranded
Antonyms: benefit, satisfy
Example Sentence:
Over the harbour, I started to let down.
2. ABASH (VERB): embarrass (लज्जित करना)
Synonyms: disconcert, rattle
Antonyms: soothe, allay
Example Sentence:
Shamita looked slightly abashed.
3. EVICTION (NOUN): ejection (बेदखली)
Synonyms: expulsion, removal
Antonyms: receiving, welcoming
Example Sentence:
The forced eviction of residents took place.
4. UNTENABLE (ADJECTIVE): indefensible (असमर्थनीय)
Synonyms: illogical, unsound
Antonyms: logical realistic
Example Sentence:
I am being perplexed so as why he is making such untenable comments.
5. DELIVERABLE (NOUN): output (प्रदेय)
Synonyms: product, result
Antonyms: input, admission
Example Sentence:
From that time he has been adding steadily to his deliverable and his reputation.
6. AGGRIEVE (VERB): offend (दु:ख देना)
Synonyms: oppress, abuse
Antonyms: assist, back
Example Sentence:
Her sharply penetrating cuss words aggrieved me a lot.
7. SERMONIZE (VERB): moralize (उपदेश देना)
Synonyms: preachify, teach
Antonyms: mislead, misguide
Example Sentence:
The saint was sermonizing the people of Canada.
8. RUPTURE (NOUN): crack (फूटन)
Synonyms: break, fissure
Antonyms: closing, closure
Example Sentence:
As soon as each understood the other's full intention, there would be a rupture.
9. TENOR (NOUN): gist (विषय)
Synonyms: body, core
Antonyms: exterior, outside
Example Sentence:
He could not understand the general tenor of the debate.
10. CREDENCE (NOUN): trust (विश्वसनीयता)
Synonyms: belief, faith
Antonyms: disbelief, distrust
Example Sentence:
Psychoanalysis finds little credence among laymen.