1. DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute (फैला देना)
Synonyms: circulate, propagate
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example sentence:
Health authorities should foster good practice by disseminating information.
2. TOTALITARIAN (ADJECTIVE): dictatorial (सर्वाधिकारवादी)
Synonyms: autocratic, tyrannical
Antonyms: democratic, partial
Example sentence:
Religions and cultures that take away the rights of women are totalitarian in nature.
3. INEXORABLE (ADJECTIVE): implacable (अनवरत)
Synonyms: inescapable, merciless
Antonyms: merciful, sympathetic
Example sentence:
In hopes of regaining their land, the army started an inexorable march through the country.
4. DECIPHER (VERB): understand (समझना)
Synonyms: construe, figure out
Antonyms: misunderstand, confuse
Example sentence:
Example sentence:
He was deciphering me the schedule.
5. BONA FIDE (ADJECTIVE): genuine (प्रामाणिक)
Synonyms: actual, authentic
Antonyms: deceiving, deceptive
Example sentence:
I was asked for all the bona fide documents.
6. VIGILANT (ADJECTIVE): careful (सतर्क)
Synonyms: discreet, judicious
Antonyms: careless, negligent
Example sentence:
Rakesh is a vigilant guard.
7. FAVOUR (NOUN): approval (अनुमोदन)
Synonyms: backing, benefit
Antonyms: disfavour, opposition
Example sentence:
I They do not need any favour from you.
8. FACULTATIVE (NOUN): open to choice (ऐच्छिक)
Synonyms: unrestricted, discretionary
Antonyms: nondiscretionary, restricted
Example sentence:
The provisions of neither convention are obligatory, but merely facultative, amounting only to recommendations.
9. GENUFLECTION (NOUN): expression (संकेत)
Synonyms: indication, nod
Antonyms: speech, talk
Example sentence:
This is a very kind genuflection of yours.
10. MELIORATE (VERB): correct (सुधारना)
Synonyms: revise, reform
Antonyms: repress, retreat
Example sentence:
They meliorated their living standards.