1. PUNITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दण्डप्रद) disciplinary
Synonyms: penal, punishing
Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding
Example Sentence:
The university is taking punitive actions against the football player who failed his drug test.
2. EXACERBATE (VERB): (ख़राब करना) aggravate
Synonyms: annoy, irritate
Antonyms: appease, improve
Example Sentence:
My headache started to exacerbate when my daughter played her loud music.
3. ALLOCATION (NOUN): (आवंटन) allotment
Synonyms: distribution, appropriation
Antonyms: retention, acquisition
Example Sentence:
They will take care of the allocation for the resources, don’t worry.
4. CORROBORATE (VERB): (पुष्टि करना) authenticate
Synonyms: confirm, justify
Antonyms: invalidate, discredit
Example Sentence:
If his words are not enough, the evidence will corroborate his claim.
5. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भूलने वाला) unconcerned
Synonyms: ignorant, inattentive
Antonyms: concerned, attentive
Example Sentence:
The people who are oblivious to others, are bound to be treated badly.
6. RECTITUDE (NOUN): (सादगी) decency
Synonyms: honesty, integrity
Antonyms: corruption, deceit
Example Sentence:
Her sense of rectitude kept her from keeping the lost hundred dollar bill.
7. FRAGILE (ADJECTIVE): (कमज़ोर) weak
Synonyms: feeble, frail
Antonyms: strong, firm
Example Sentence:
His body structure his extremely fragile and he is unable to handle heavy things.
8. ALTAR (NOUN): (वेदी) church table
Synonyms: shrine, chantry
Antonyms: playroom, club
Example Sentence:
Today, the priest placed our offerings on the altar and everything vanished.
9. SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक) biting
Synonyms: harsh, mordant
Antonyms: calm, mild
Example Sentence:
The scathing criticism did not inspire the student to improve his writing skills.
10. HURDLE (NOUN): (बाधा) obstacle
Synonyms: snag, barricade
Antonyms: aid, assistance
Example Sentence:
There are many hurdles in life, we need to bulldoze them with our actions.