1. REDEMPTIVE (NOUN): redeeming (विमोचक)
Synonyms: compensating, extenuating
Antonyms: offending, transgressing
Example Sentence:
Much greater stress is laid upon the redemptive than upon the creative function.
2. NUDGE (VERB): bump (टेहोकना)
Synonyms: poke, jab
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
Example Sentence:
3. APHASIAC (ADJECTIVE): unable to speak (मूक)
Synonyms: speechless, silent
Antonyms: communicative, articulate
Example Sentence:
Many aggrieved prisoners are aphasiac.
4. OUSTER (NOUN): ejection (बेदखली/ निर्वासन)
Synonyms: eviction, expulsion
Antonyms: welcoming, hiring
Example Sentence:
His subsequent return led to Anam's ouster.
5. SEISMIC (ADJECTIVE): quaky(भूकंपीय)
Synonyms: quivering, tremulous
Antonyms: fixed, solid
Example Sentence:
The relation of the volcanic phenomena and of the seismic is clearly to be seen.
6. RENDER (VERB): deliver(सौंपना)
Synonyms: give, provide
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
Funds will be used to render food to the homeless.
7. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): determined(अनवरत)
Synonyms: rigorous, dogged
Antonyms: flexible, irresolute
Example Sentence:
Sania is a relentless player.
8. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): weak(कमज़ोर)
Synonyms: delicate, shaky
Antonyms: strong, healthy
Example Sentence:
Don’t you dare consider yourself a tenuous person.
9. RIPPLE (VERB): oscillate(तरंगित होना)
Synonyms: pulsate, vacillate
Antonyms: be still, remain
Example Sentence:
The rods are caused to oscillate slowly by an engine.
10. PROD (VERB): prompt (उकसावा देना)
Synonyms: motivate, incite
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
Example Sentence:
Perhaps we should prod him to tell us.